GML application schema

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Geography Markup Language (GML) provides the basis for domain- or community-specific "application schemas", which in turn support data interoperability within a community of interest. Application schemas are normally designed using ISO 19103(Geographic information -- Conceptual schema language) [1] conformant UML, and then the GML Application created by following the rules given in Annex E of ISO 19136.

Public GML Application Schemas

Following is a list of known, publicly accessible GML Application Schemas:

  • AIXM Aeronautical Information eXchange Model ( see - Commercial Aviation Related Schema)
  • CAAML - Canadian Avalanche Association Markup Language
  • CityGML - a common information model and GML application schema for virtual 3D city / regional models.[2]
  • Coverages - an interoperable, encoding-neutral information model for the digital representation of spatio-temporally varying phenomena (such as sensor, image, model, and statistics data), based on the abstract model of ISO 19123
  • Climate Science Modelling Language (CSML)[3]
  • DAFIF - defense aviation
  • Darwin Core GML application schema. An implementation of the Darwin Core schema in GML for sharing biodiversity occurrence data.
  • GeoSciML - from IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information
  • GPML - the GPlates Markup Language, an information model and application schema for plate-tectonics[4]
  • INSPIRE application schemas[5]
  • IWXXM - Aviation weather GML application schema
  • LandGML - a GML implementation equivalent to LandXML
  • NcML/GML - NetCDF-GML[6]
  • Observations and Measurements schema for observation metadata and results
  • OS MasterMap GML[7]
  • SensorML schema for describing instruments and processing chains
  • SoTerML schema for describing Soil and Terrain data
  • TigerGML - US Census[8]
  • VMAP - land defense data
  • Water Quality Data Project from Dept. of Natural Resources, New South Wales
  • WXXM - Weather Information Exchange Model


See also