List of Greek words with English derivatives
This is an incomplete list of Greek words with derivatives in English. There are many English words of Greek origin, with a variety of histories: vernacular borrowing, typically passing through Latin and French; learned borrowing directly from Greek; coinage in post-classical Latin or modern European languages; and direct borrowings from Modern Greek.
The words (or suffixes) are in Greek alphabetic order, with tables for the 24 Greek letters, listing thousands of related English words.
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Greek words which have entered English through the vernaculars are generally spelled according to the new form they took, and there is no systematic correspondence between the Greek form and the English form: βούτυρον/butter, επίσκοπος/bishop. On the other hand, learned borrowings and modern coinages generally follow the conventional Latin transliterations: βούτυρον/butyr(ic), επίσκοπος/episcop(al).
Greek words with modern derivatives
The citation form shown is the form most commonly shown in dictionaries, but this form is often unrepresentative of the word as used to form a compound word, hence the root form is also shown. In the case of verbs, the citation form is often by convention the first person singular, present indicative, (cf Latin), for instance φάγω (phagō), "I eat", rather than the infinitive ("to eat").
The "classical" transliteration as described above is used for both the Citation form and the Root form. Greek entries are in alphabetical order according to the Greek alphabet, English entries by the Roman alphabet.
The Greek words are shown in polytonic orthography, in other words showing the breathings and the fuller range of accents.
Note that alpha privatives are addressed under the heading of the positive form of the word whenever possible.
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English derivative | ||
ἀ- | a- | ἀ-/ἀν- | a-/an- | without, not | abyss, abyssocottidae, abyssopelagic, acatalectic, achromatic, acephaly, achene, aclinic, adamant, adelopod, adelospondyli, adelophagi, adelophryne, adiabatic, adiaphora, adytum, aedes, agnostic, ahistorical, Alexander, alexipharmic, alexithymia, alexiteric, amaranth, ambrosia, ambrotype, amethyst, ametropia, amianthus, amnesia, amoral, amorphous, anaemia, anaesthesia, analcime, analgesia, analphabetic, anarchy, Anarthriaceae, anarthrous, anechoic, anecdote, anergy, anhydrous, anodyne, anomalocarid, anomalopidae, anomalopus, anomaluridae, anomaly, anomic, anonymous, anorexia, anorgasmic, apathy, anopheles, anophelorastia, apatheist, apathy, aphanes, aphaniotis, aphasia, aphasiology, apodidae, Apteryx, Apterygidae, Apteropanorpidae, apus, aporia, arrhythmia, asthenia, asthenopia, asymmetric, asymptote, atheist, atonal, atrophic, atropos |
ἄβαξ | abax | ἀβακ- | abac- | reckoning-board, used for counting votes | abacus, abaculus, abax |
ἀββάς | abbás | (title of respect for monks and priests, from Syriac abbā) | abbot | ||
ἄγαλμα | āgalma | ἀγαλματ- | agalmat- | glory, delight, honour, statue | agalmatolite, Agalmatophilia |
ἀγαθός | agathos | ἀγαθ- | agath- | good | Agatha, agathism, agathodaemon, kalokagathia |
ἀγάπη | agapē | ἀγαπ- | agap- | fraternal love | agape, agapanthus, agapanthaceae |
ἀγαυός | agauos | ἀγαυ- | agau- | illustrious, noble | agave, agavaceae |
ἀγγαρεία | angareiā | ἀγγαρει- | angarei- | impressment for public service | angary, angaria, angariate |
ἀγγείον | angeion | ἀγγειο- | angeio- | vessel | angiosperm, angiocardiography, angiodysplasia, angiogenesis, angiogram, angiography, angioma, angiopathy, angioplasty, angiosperma, angiostatin, angiotensin, |
ἄγγελος | angelos | ἀγγελ- | angel- | messenger | angel, archangel, evangelist |
ἅγιος | hagios | ἁγιο- | hagio- | holy | hagiography, hagiology, hagiolotry, hagiocracy, hagiarchy |
ἄγκιστρον | ankistron | ἀγκιστρ- | ankistr- | hook | ancistrocladus, ancistrocactus, ancistrocheirus |
ἀγκύλος | ankulos | ἀγκυλ- ἀγκυλ- |
ankyl- ankul- |
crooked, curved[1] | ancylus, angle, ankyloglossia, ancylopoda, ankylosaurid, ankylostomiasis |
ἀγκύλωσις | ankulōsis | ἀγκυλ-ωσι- | ankul-οsi- | stiffening of the joints | ankylosis, ankyloglossia, ankylosaurus |
ἄγκυρα | ankura | ἀγκυρ- | ankur- | anchor | anchoring, anchor, ankyrin |
ἀγκών | ankōn | ἀγκων- | ankon- | elbow | ancona, ancon, anconal |
ἀγορά | agorá | ἀγορ- | agor- | marketplace | agora, agoraphobia, agoranomos |
ἄγρα | agra | -αγρα/ἀγρ- | -agra/agr- | seizure, trap | podagra, pellagra |
ἀγρός | agrós | ἀγρο- | agro- | tilled land | agrobiology, agronomics, agrology |
ἄγρωστις | agrōstis | ἀγρωστιδ- | agrostid- | a type of grass | agrostology, agrostophyllum, agrostistachys |
ἄγω, ἀγωγός | agō, agōgos | ἀγ- | ag- | I drive, lead; leader | agon, anagoge, demagogue, isagoge, mystagogue, pedagogue, synagogue |
ἀγών | agón | ἀγών- | agon- | contest, struggle | antagonistic, agony, protagonist |
ἀδελφός | adelphos | ἀδελφ- | adelph- | brother | adelphopoiesis, adelphous, monadelphous, |
ἀδήν | adēn | ἀδενο- | adeno- | gland | adenoma, adenomelablastoma, adenomyosis, adenosine |
ᾍδης | Hades | ᾉδη-/ᾉδο- | hade-/hado- | god of the underworld | hadean, Hades, hadopelagic |
ἁδρός | hadros | ἁδρο- | hadro- | thick | hadron, hadrosaurus |
ἀείδω | aeidō | -ᾠδ- | -od-/-ed- | to sing, praise or whistle | comedian, comedy, melody, ode, parody, palinode, prosody, psalmody, rhapsody, threnody, tragedian, tragedy |
ἀέριος | aerios | ἀέρι- | aeri- | of the air, aerial | aerial |
ἀήρ | aēr | ἀερο- | aero- air- |
air | air; aerial, aerobic, aerobics, aerobiology, anaerobic, aerodynamics, aerofoil, aeronautics, aerobatics, airplane, aeroplane, airship |
ἀθήρα | athēra | ἀθηρ- | ather- | gruel | atheroma, atherosclerosis |
ἆθλος | âthlos | ἆθλ- | athl- | contest, prize, struggle | athlete, biathlon, decathlon, heptathlon, pentathlon, triathlon |
αἰθάλη | aithalē | αἰθαλ- | aithal- | soot | aethalops, ethallobarbital |
αἰθήρ | aithēr | αἰθερ- | aither- | massless medium | ether, ethereal |
αἴγαγρος | aigagros | αἰγαγρ- | aigagr- | wild goat | aegagrus, aegagropila |
αἰγιαλός | aigialos | αἰγιαλ- | aigial- | beach, seashore | aegialornis, aigialosaur, aegialornithidae |
αἰγίς | aigis | αἰγιδ- | aigid- | armour of Zeus | aegis |
αἰκία | aikia | αἰκι- | aiki- | torture, suffering | aecium, aeciospore |
αἴλουρος | ailouros | αἰλουρo- | ailouro- | feline | ailuromancy, ailurophobia, aelurodon, aeluroscalabotinae |
αἳμα | haima | αἱμο/-αἱματ- | haimo-/haimat- | blood | anemia, anemic, hemoglobin, hemophilia, hemophobia, hemorrhage, hemorrhoid |
αἴνιγμα | ainigma | αἰνιγματ- | ainigmat- | riddle | enigma |
Aἴολος | Aiolus | Aἴολ- | Aiol- | Keeper of the Winds Gk. Myth | Aeolic, Aeolian, Aeolotropy |
αἰπεινός | aipeinos | αἰπειν- | aipein- | high, lofty | aepisaurus, |
αἰπύς or αἰπός | aipus or aipos | αἰπυ- | aipu- | high and steep, utter | aepycamelus, aepyornis, aepyornithidae, aepyceros |
αἰσθητικός | aisthētikos | αἰσθητ-ικ- | aisthēt-ik- | of sense-perception, sensitive, perceptive | aesthetic, aesthetician, aestheticism, aesthete, aesthetics, anesthesia |
αἰσχύνω | aiskhunō | αἰσχύν- | aiskhun- | I dishonour, shame | aeschynanthus, aeschynite |
αἰτία | aitia | αἰτι- | aiti- | cause | etiology |
αἰχμή | aikhmē | αἰχμ- | aichm- | point of a spear | aechmophorus, aechmea |
αἰών | aiōn | αἰων- | eon- | age | eon |
αἰώνιος | aiōnios | αἰώνι- | aionι- | lasting for an age | aeonium, aeonian |
Ἀκαδημία | Akadēmia | Ἀκαδημ- | akadēm- | the field of Academos | academe, academic, academy |
ἀκακία | akakia | ἀκακι- | akaki- | harmlessness | acacia |
ἀκαλύφη | akaluphē | ἀκαλυφ- | acalyph- | stinging-nettle | acalypha, acalyphoideae |
ἄκανθος | akanthos | ἀκανθ- | acanth- | thorn plant | acanthus, acantharea, acanthite, acanthocephala, acanthocercus, acanthodactylus, acanthosaura |
ἀκάρι | akari | ἀκαρ- | acar- | a kind of mite | acarid, acariasis, acarology |
ἀκόλουθος | akoluthos | ἀκόλουθ- | akolouth- | follower | anacoluthon, acolyte |
ἀκόνη | akonē | ἀκον- | akon- | whetstone | aconitum, paragon |
ἀκούω | akouō | ἀκου-στ- | acou-st- | I hear | acoustic, acoustics |
ἄκρος | akros | ἀκρο- | acro- | highest, topmost, end, outermost, sharp point | acme, acne, acrobat, acrocephalus, acrochordidae, acrochordon, acromantula, acronym, acrotomophilia, acrophobia, acropolis, Akron, acrostic |
ἀκροστιχίς | akrostikhis | headline, end-line | acrostic | ||
ἀκτίς | aktis | ἀκτινo- | aktino- | ray | actinium, actinobacteria, actinodine, actinolite, actinometer, actinomorphic, actinomycetes, actinophryid, actinophryids, actinopteri, actinopterygii, actinozoa |
ἀλάβαστρος | alabastros | ἀλαβαστρ- | alabastr- | a variety of mineral | alabaster |
ἀλέκτωρ | alektór | ἀλέκτ- | alect- | rooster, a cock | alectorius, alectryomancy |
ἀλλαντοειδής | allantoeidēs | ἀλλαντο-ειδ- | allanto-eid- | sausage-shaped | allantois, allantoin |
ἀλήθεια | alētheia | ἀληθει- | alethei- | truth | alethiology, dialetheism |
ἀλέω | aleo | ἀλε- | ale- | to grind (flour), bruise, pound | aleurone, aleuromancy |
ἄλγος | algos | ἀλγ- | alg- | pain | -algia, arthralgia, cardialgia, cephalalgia, fibromyalgia, myalgia, neuralgia, nostalgia, odontalgia, otalgia, analgesic |
ἀλείφω | aleiphō | ἀλειφ- | aleiph- | I anoint with oil | aliphatic compound |
ἄλκιμος | alkimos | ἀλκ-ιμ- | alc- | strong | analcime, analcite |
ἁλκυών | halkuōn | ἁλκυον- | halkuon- | kingfisher | Alcyonaria, halcyon, Halcyon, halcyonidae |
ἀλληγορῶ | allēgorō | ἀλληγορ- | allēgor- | I interpret allegorically | allegory |
ἄλληλον | allēlon | ἀλληλο- | allēlo- | of one another | allelomorph, parallelogram |
ἄλλος | allos | ἀλλο- | allo- all- |
other, different, strange | allegory, allergy, allele, allochthon, allodium, allodontidae, allogenes, allograft, allography, allolactose, allometry, allomorph, allopath, allopatry, allophony, allopoiesis, allopurinol, allosaurus, allotroph, allotropic, allotropy allergy, parallel, parallax, synallagmatic |
ἅλς | hals | ἁλ- | hal- | salt sea |
halogen, haloaromatic, halobacteria, halosaur |
ἀλλότροπος | allotropos | ἀλλoτροπ- | allotrop- | strange | allotropy, allotropes, allotropism, |
ἄλυσσος | alussos | ἀλυσσ- | alyss- | a plant believed to cure rabies | alyssum, Alyssa |
ἄλφα | alpha | ἄλφα- | alpha- | first letter of Greek alphabet, alpha | alphabet, alphabetize, alphagram, alphandia, alphanumeric, alpha particle, analphabetic |
ἀλώπηξ | alōpēx | ἀλωπεκ- | alopek- | fox | alopecia |
ἅλως | halōs | ἁλω- | halo- | round shape, the disk of the sun, circular arcade at Delphi | halo |
Ἀμαζών | Amazōn | Ἀμαζον- | Amazon- | female warriors Greek Myth. | Amazon, Amazonia, Amazonite, Amazonomachy |
Ἀμάλθεια | Amaltheia | Ἀμαλθει- | Amalthei- | the foster-mother of Zeus (a goat or a nymph) | Amalthea |
Ἀμανῖται | amanitai | ἀμανιτ- | amanit- | a kind of fungus | amanita, amanitaceae |
Ἀμαρυλλίς | amarullis | ἀμαρυλλ- | amarull- | name of a shepherdess Gk. Myth. | amaryllis, amaryllidaceae |
ἀμαύρωσις | amaurōsis | ἀμαυρ-ωσι- | amaur-osi- | blacken | amaurosis, amaurobiidae |
ἀμβλύς | amblus | ἀμβλυ- | ambly- | dim | amblygonite, amblyopia, amblypoda |
ἄμβυξ | ambux | ἀμβυκ- | ambyk- | cup | alembic, alembication, alembicated |
ἄμβων | ambōn | ἀμβων- | ambon- | raised edge | ambo |
ἄμμος | ammos | ἀμμο- | ammo- | sand | ammoperdix, ammophila, ammotrechidae |
ἀμμωνιακός | ammōniakos | ἀμμωνι- | ammōni- | from Ammōn | ammonia, ammoniacal |
ἀμμωνίς | ammōnis | ἀμμων- | ammon- | horn of Ammōn | ammonite, ammonoid, ammonoidea |
ἀμνός | amnos | ἀμν- | amn- | lamb | amnion, amniotic, amniocentesis, amnioscope |
ἀμοιβή | amoibē | ἀμοιβ- | amoeb- | change | amoeba, amoebiasis, amoebic, amoeboid, Amoebozoa, dientamoebiasis, entamoeba |
ἄμυλον | amulon | ἄμυλ- | amyl- | starch | amyl, amylase, amylin, amyloid, amyloidosis, amylolysis, amylopectin, amylophagia, amyloplast, amylose, amyls, amylum |
ἀμυγδαλή | amugdalē | ἀμυγδ- | amygd- | almond tree | almond, amygdala, amygdalin, amygdaloid, amygdule |
ἀμφί | amphi | ἀμφι- | amphi- | on both sides | amphibian, amphibole, amphibrach, amphipoda, amphioxus, amphiglossus, amphitheater, Amphictyony, amphimacer, amphora, ampulla, amphoteric |
ἀνά | ana | ἀνα | ana | again, backward, upward | anabaptist, anabasis, anabatic, anabantidae, anabiosis, anabolic, anabolism, anachronism, anaclitic, anacoluthon, anacrusis, anadem, anadiplosis, anadromous, anaglyph, anagoge, anagram, analects, analemma, analeptic, analogue, analogy, analysis, analytic, anamnesis, anamorphosis, anapest, anaphora, anaphylaxis, anaplasia, anaplastic, anaplerotic, anapnoic, anaptyxis, anastomosis, anastrophe, anatase, anathema, Anatolia, anatropia, anchorite |
ἀναπνοή | anapnoē | ἀναπνο- | anapno- | respiration, breathing | anapnoic, anapnograph |
ἄνεμος | anemos | ἀνεμο- | anemo- | wind | anemometer, anemoscopy, anemoscope, anemophilous |
ἀνεμώνη | anemōnē | ἀνεμων- | anemon- | lit. daughter of the wind | anemone, sea-anemone |
ἀνεύρυσμα | aneurusma | ἀνευρυσμ- | aneurusm- | dilation | aneurysm, microaneurysm |
ἀνήρ | anēr | ἀνδρο- | andrο- | man (male human) | androcentrism, androgen, android, andrologist, andrology, androstephium, androsterone, misandry, monandry, polyandry |
ἀνθολόγιον | anthologion | ἀνθολoγι- | anthologi- | collection of extracts | anthology, anthologist |
ἄνθος | anthos | ἀνθο- | antho- | flower | anthology, anthophyta, anthostema, anthogonium, Anthozoa, anthocleista, anthotype, anthocyanin, anthocerotophyta |
ἀνθρακίτις | anthrakitis | ἀνθρακιτ- | anthracit- | kind of coal | anthracite, anthracite iron |
ἄνθραξ | anthrax | ἀνθρ- | anthr- | coal | anthrax, anthracotherium, anthracosauria, anthracosis |
ἄνθρωπος | anthrōpos | ἀνθρωπο- | anthrōpo- | human being | anthropology, anthropomorphism, anthropopathy, anthropometrics, anthropomancy, anthropopath, anthropoglot, anthroponyms, anthroposophical, anthroponym, anthropomorphists, anthropocentrism, anthropomorphics, anthropoidea, anthropomorphous, anthroposemiotics, misanthrope, misanthropy, philanthropy, zoanthropy |
ἀνιέναι | anienai | ἀνι- | ani- | to go up | anion, anionic |
ἄνισος | anisos | ἀνισο- | aniso- | unequal, dissimilar, uneven | anisogamous, anisometric, anisometropia, anisotropic |
ἄννησον | annēson | ἄννησ- | annes- | dill | anise, aniseed, anisette |
ἄνοδος | anodos | ἀνοδ- | anod- | way up | anode, anodising |
ἄνορθος | anorthos | ἀνορθο- | anortho- | sloping | anorthosite, anorthoclase, anorthite |
ἀντί | anti | ἀντ- | ant- | opposite, counter | antacid, Antaeus, antagonist, antalgic, antarchy, antarctic, antares, anthem, antibiotic, antibody, antichrist, anticlimax, anticoagulant, anticyclone, antidepressant, antidiabetic, antidote, antifebrile, antigen, Antigone, antihero, antihistamine, antimatter, antinode, antinomy, antinomian, antioxidant, antipathy, antiperspirant, antiphon, antiphrasis, antipodes, antipope, antipyretic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antistatic, antistrophe, antitheism, antithesis, antitoxic, antivirus, antonym, antitrust, antitype, antonomasia |
ἀνταρκτικός | antarktikos | ἀνταρκτικ- | antarktik- | Antarctic, opposite to the Arctic | Antarctic, Antarctica |
ἀντίφωνα | antiphōna | sounding in answer, concordant | anthem, antiphon | ||
ἄντρον | antron | ἀντρ- | antr- | cave, cavity | antrum |
ἄνυδρος | anhudros | ἀνυδρ- | anhydr- | waterless, arid | anhydrite, anhydrous, anhydrobiosis |
ἄξιος | axios | ἀξιο- | axio- | worthy | axiological, axiology, axiology, axiom, axiomatic, axiomatisation |
ἄξων | axōn | ἀξον- | axon- axi- |
axis | axoneme, axoplasm, axisymmetric |
ἀόριστος | aoristos | ἀοριστ- | aorist- | indefinite | aorist |
ἀορτή | aortē | ἀορτ- | aort- | the great artery | aortic, aorta |
ἃπαξ | hapax | ἁπαξ- | apax | once | hapax legomenon, hapaxes |
ἀπάτη | apatē | ἀπατ- | apat- | deceit | apatite, apatosaurus |
ἁπλούς | haplous | ἁπλο- | haplo- | single | haplodiploid, haploid, haploidisation, haplorrhini, haplotype |
ἀπό | apo | ἀπο- | apo- | away from | anapodeictic, apheresis, apobiosis, apocalypse, apocarteresis, apocatastisis, apochromatic, apocleisis, apocope, apocrine, apocrustic, apocrypha, apocyneous, apodeme, apodemialgia, apodictic, apodosis, apodyterium, apoenzyme, apoferritin, apogamy, apogee, apogeotropic, apograph, apohyal, apoinducer, apologue, apologetics, apology, apomixis, apomorphine, aponeurectomy, aponeurosis, apopathetic, apopemptic, apophasis, apophlegmatic, apoplexy, apoprotein, aposiopesis, apostasy, apostilb, apostle, apostrophe, apothanasia, apothecary, apothegm, apothem, apotheosis, apotropaic, apoxesis, apozem, hemapheresis |
ἀποθήκη | apothēkē | ἀποθήκ- | apothek- | any place to store a thing, storehouse | apothecary, boutique |
ἀπόστολος | apóstolos | messenger | apostle | ||
ἀράχνη | arakhnē | ἀραχν- | arachn- | spider | arachnid, arachnologist, arachnophobia |
ἄργιλλος | argillos | ἀργιλλ- | argill- | clay | argillite, argillaceous |
Ἄρης | Arēs | ἀρεο- | areo- | planet Mars | areocentric, areology, areography |
ἀρθρίτις | arthritis | ἀρθριτιδ- | arthritid- | inflammation of joint | arthritis, osteoarthritis |
ἄρθρον | arthron | ἀρθρο- | arthrο- | joint | arthropod, arthroscopy, arthropathy |
ἄρθρωσις | arthrōsis | ἀρθρωσι- | arthrosi- | articulation | dysarthria, diarthrosis, anarthrous |
ἀριθμός | arithmos | ἀριθμ- | arithm- | number | arithmetic, arithmocracy, logarithm |
ἄριστος | aristos | ἀριστο- | aristo- | best | aristocracy |
Ἀρκαδία | Arcadia | ἀρκαδι- | arcadi- | area in Peloponnese, Greece, emblematic of rural peace | Acadian |
ἄρκτος | arktos | ἀρκτ- | arct- | bear, the northern constellation Ursa Major | arctic |
ἀρκτούρος | arktouros | ἀρκτουρ- | arctur- | bearward | arcturus, arcturis, arcturian |
ἁρμονία | harmonia | ἁρμονι- | harmoni- | agreement, harmony | harmony, harmonium, harmonica, harmonisation, harmonics, enharmonic |
ἁρμός | harmos | ἀρμ- | arm- | joint, shoulder | harmotome |
ἀρτηρία | artēria | ἀρτηρ- | arter- | windpipe, artery | artery, arterial, arteritis |
ἄρτιος | artios | ἀρτιο- | artio- | even | artiodactyl |
ἄρχω | archó | ἀρχ- | arch- | begin, first, reign, rule | anarchy, antarchy, anthroparchy, archaeology, archbishop, archaic, archdeacon, archdiocese, archidiptera, archduchess, archduke, archenemy, archetype, archigram, archipelago, archrival, architect, architecture, architeuthidae, archon, archosaur, archostemata, aristarchy, autarchy, hagiarchy, heresiarch, hierarchy, matriarch, monarchy, oligarchy, patriarch, plutarchy, squirearchy, synarchy |
ἄρωμα | arōma | ἀρωματ- | aromat- | spice | aroma, aromatic compounds |
-ας | -as | -αδ- | suffix(-ad)- | suffix | Olympiad, Naiad |
ἄσθμα | asthma | ἀσθματ- | asthmat- | asthma | asthmatic |
Ἀσία | Asia | Ἀσια- | asia- | Mythological daughter of Iapetos | Asia, Asian, Asianisation, asiaphile |
ἄσις | asis | ἀσ- | as- | slime, mud | perioxidase, telomerase |
ἀσπάραγος | asparagos | ἀσπαραγ- | asparag- | asparagus | asparagus, asparagine acid, aspartame, aspartate |
ἀστήρ | astēr | ἀστ(ε)ρ- | ast(e)r- | star | asteroid, asterisk |
ἀστράγαλος | astragalos | ἀστράγαλ- | astragal- | vertebra, knucklebone | astragalus |
ἄστρον | astron | ἀστρο- | astro- | constellation | astronomy, astrology, astrophysics, astrodynamics, astronaut, astrolabe |
ἄσυλον | asulon | ἀσυλ- | asyl- | sanctuary | asylum |
ἀσφυξία | asphuxia | ἀσφυξι- | asphyxi- | stopping of the pulse | asphyxia |
ἀταξία | ataxia | ἀταξ- | atax- | disorder | ataxia, ataxy |
ἀτμός | atmos | ἀτμο- | atmo- | vapor | atmosphere, atmospheric |
Ἄτλας | Atlas | ἀτλαντ- | atlant- | name of a Titan | atlas, Atlantic |
Ἀττική | Attikē | Ἀττικ- | Attik- | A region of east-central Greece | attic, atticism |
αὐθεντικός | authentikos | αὐθεντικ- | authentik- | original | authentication, authenticity |
αὐστηρός | austēros | αὐστηρ- | auster- | harsh, bitter | austerity |
αὐταρχία | autarkhia | αὐταρχι- | autarchi- | absolute governing | autarchy, autarchism |
αὐτάρκεια | autarkeia | αὐτάρκ- | autark- | self-sufficiency | autarky |
αὐτόχθων | autokhthōn | αὐτόχθον- | autochthon- | of the land itself | autochthon, autochthon, autochthonous |
αὐξάνειν | auxanein | αὐξ- | aux- | to increase | auxin, auxesis |
αὐτός | autos | αὐτο- | aut- | self (reflexive pronoun) | authentic, autism, autobiography, autochthon, autocracy, autodidactic, autograph, autolatry, automobile, autonomy, automatic, autophobia, autopsy, autotheism |
ἀφιέναι | aphienai | ἀφε- | aphe- | to let go | aphesis, aphetic, aphetism |
Ἀφροδίτη | Aphroditē | ἀφροδιτ- | aphrodit- | risen from sea-foam, name of a goddess | aphrodisiac, aphrodisia, |
ἀχάτης | achatēs | ἀχάτ- | akhat- | agate | agate, agateware |
ἀψίνθιον | apsinthion | ἀψινθι- | apsinthi- | alcoholic liqueur | absinthe |
ἁψίς | hapsis | ἁψιδ- | apsid- | arch | apse, apsis, apsidal, Diapsida |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
βαθύς | bathus | βαθ- | bath-, byss- | deep | abyss, abyssocottidae, abyssopelagic, bathos, bathybius, bathymetry, bathyscaphe, bathysphere |
βαίνω | baino | βασ-, βατ- | bas-, bat- | to walk or step | acrobat, adiabatic, anabasis, anabatic, basis, diabetes, ecbatic, hyperbaton, katabasis, katabatic |
βακτηρία | bactērion | βακτηρι- | bacteri- | stick, staff | bacteremia, bacteria, bactericide. bacteriocin, bacteriophage, bacteriorhodopsin, bacteriostasis, bacteriuria |
βάλλω | ballō | βαλ- | bal- | to throw, hit or strike | anabolic, astrobleme, balista, ballistics, ballistite, ballistocardiography, ballistospore, belomancy, catabolism, diabolic, discobolus, emblem, hyperbole, metabolism, parable, problem, symbol, symbolic, symbolism |
βάλσαμον | bálsamon | a balsam tree | balm, balsam, balsamic | ||
βαπτίζω | baptizō | βαπτ-ισ- | bapt-is- | dip, immerse, cleanse | anabaptist, baptise, baptism, baptist, baptistery, pedobaptism |
βάρβαρος | barbaros | βαρβαρο- | barbaro- | stranger, a non-Greek | barbarian, barbarism, |
βάρος | baros | βαρο- | baro- | weight | barology, barometer, isobar, millibar |
βαρύς | barus | βαρυ- | baru- | heavy | baryon, baritone |
βασιλεύς | basileus | βασιλ- | basil- | king | basil, basilica, basilicon, basilisk |
βάτραχος | batrakhos | βατραχ- | batrakh- | frog | Batrachia, batrachite, Batrachophagous, Batrachochytrium, Ophidobatrachia |
βδέλλα | bdella | βδελλ- | bdell- | leech | bdelloidea |
βήτα | beta | βήτα- | beta- | second letter of Greek alphabet, beta | alphabet, beta, betamax |
βιβλίον | biblion | βιβλιο- | biblio- | book | bible, bibliography, bibliolatry, bibliomancy, bibliomania, bibliophile, bibliotherapy |
βίος | bios | βιο- | bio- | life | antibiotic, autobiography, biography, biology, biopsy, bios |
βλαστός | blastos | βλαστο- | blasto- | sprout, germ | blastoderm, blastoid, blastoma, blastula |
βλάσφημος | blasphēmos | βλασφημ- | blasphem- | To speak of God in an irreverent manner | blaspheme |
βουλή | boulē | βουλ- | boul- | will | abulia, boule, hyperboulia |
βούτυρον | boútȳron | butter | butter, butyric, butyl | ||
βορέας | boreas | βορε- | bore- | north, the north wind | Aurora Borealis, hyperborean |
βόσκω | bosko | βοs- | bot- | to feed, to tend | botanist, botomancy |
βοῦς | bous | βου- | bou- | ox | boustrophedon, bulimia, bugloss (βούγλωσσος) |
βραχύς | brakhus | βραχυ- | brakhu- | short | brachycephalic |
βραδύς | bradus | βραδύ- | bradu- | slow | bradycardia, bradykinin, bradyphrasia, bracyseism |
βρῶμος | brōmos | βρωμ- | brom- | stink | bromate, bromide, bromidrosis, bromine, bromocriptine, bromargyrite |
βρόγχος | bronkhos | βρογχ- | bronkh- | windpipe | bronchiole, bronchitis, bronchocele, bronchophony, bronchoscopy, bronchotomy, bronchus |
βροντή | brontē | βροντ(ο)- | bront(o)- | thunder | brontology, brontosaurus, brontotheriidae |
βρύο | bryo | βρύο- | bryo- | to bloom, to teem, moss (in noun form) | bryochore, bryology, Bryony, bryophile, bryophyte, embryectomy, embryo, embryogenesis, embryology |
βυθός | buthos | βυθ- | byth- | the depth | bythometer, bythometric, bythometrical |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
γάδος | gados | γαδ- | gad- | cod | Gadidae |
γαῖα, γῆ | gaia, gē | γη/γεω- | ge-/geo- | earth | apogee, geology, Gaia, geochronology, geometry, geography, perigee, geothermy, georeference, geophysics, geomagnetism, geoscience |
γάλα | gala | γαλακτ(ο)- | galact(o)- | milk | galactose, galactosemia, galactosamine, galax, galaxy |
γαλέα | galea | γαλε- | gale- | galley | galley |
γάλιον | galion | γάλιον- | galion | bedstraw | galium |
γάμμα | gamma | γαμμα | gamma | gamma | gammadion, gamut |
γάμος | gamos | γαμ- | gam- | marriage | agamia, agamidae, bigamy, hierogamy, gamete, monogamy, polygamy |
γάγγλιον | ganglion | γαγγλι- | gangli- | subcutaneous tumour | ganglion, ganglionectomy |
γάγγραινα | gangraina | γάγγραινα | gangraina | gangrene | gangrene |
γάνος | ganos | γανο- | gano- | bright | ganodonta |
γαστήρ | gastēr | γαστ(ε)ρ(ο)- | gast(e)r(o)- | stomach | gasteromycete, gastrectomy, gastritis, gastroenterology, gastrolith, gastromancy, gastronomy, gastropoda |
γῆρας | gēras | γηρατ- | gerat- | old age | geriatric |
γέρανος | geranos | γεραν- | geran- | crane | geranium |
γέρων | gerōn | γεροντ- | geront- | old man | gerontocracy, gerontology, gerousia |
γεύειν | geuein | γευ- | geu- | to taste | ageusia, ageustia, hypergeusia, parageusia |
γιγνῶσκω | gignōskein | γνω- | gnō- gnē- |
to know | anagnorisis, agnostic, agnostida, diagnostic, gnomic, gnomon, gnosis, gnostic |
γίγας | gigas | γιγαντ- | gigant- | huge, enormous | giant, gigabyte, gigantic |
γίγνομαι | gignomai | γεν-, γoν- | gen-, gon- | to come into being or be born | angiogenesis, anthropogeny, Antigone, biogenesis, epigone, ethnogenesis, eugenics, genetic, genesis, gene, genocide, genus, gonad, heterogeneous, homogeneous, monogeny, morphogenesis, ontogeny, oogenesis, oogonia, orogeny, parthenogenesis, phylogenesis, polygenesis, psychogenesis, spermatogenesis |
γλαυκός | glaukos | γλαυκ- | glauk- | blue-green, gray | glaucoma, glauconite |
γλοιός | gloios | γλοι(ο)- | gloi(o)- | gluey | glioblastoma, glioma, gliosarcoma, gliosis, gliotoxin, gloeocapsa |
γλωσσίς γλωττίς |
glōssis glōttis |
γλωσσιδ- γλωττιδ- |
gloss- glott- |
tongue | anthropoglot, diglossia, epiglottis, epiglottitis, gloss, glossary, glossodynia, glossematics, glossolalia, glossopteris, glottis, glottochronology, idioglossia, isogloss, monoglottism, polyglot, proglottid, xenoglossy |
γλουτός | gloutos | γλουτ- | glout- | buttock | gluteus |
γλυφή | gluphē | γραφ- | glyph- | carving, carved work | glyph, glyptodon, hieroglyphic, petroglyph |
γλυκύς | glukus | γραφ- | glyk- | sweet | glucosamine, glucose, glycemia, glyceria, glyceride, glycerol, glycine, glycolysis |
γλῶσσα | glōssa | γλωσσ-, γλωτ- | gloss-, glot- | tongue, language | epiglottis, glossary, glossolalia, polyglot |
γλωχίς | glōkhis | γλωχιν- | glokhin- | arrow-head | glochidium |
γνάθος | gnathos | γναθ(ο)- | gnath(o)- | jaw | gnathitis, gnathopod, gnathostomata |
γοητεία | goēteia | γοητεία | goeteia | witchcraft | goety |
γόμφος | gomphos | γόμφ- | gomph | bolt | gomphosis |
γόνυ, γωνία | gonu, gōnia | γόν-, γωνι- | gon-, goni- | knee, angle | decagon, diagonal, dodecagon, enneagon, goniolatry, goniometer, gonioscopy, goniotomy, hecatogon, hendecagon, heptagon, hexagon, icosagon, octagon, orthogon, orthogonal, pentagon, polygon, tetragon, trigonometry |
γράμμα | gramma | γραμμ- | gram(m)- | letter | grammar, autogram, grammatic, agrammatism |
γράφω | graphō | γραφ- | graph- | I write | autograph, graph, biography, graphics, geography, xerography, stratigraphy, epigraphy, graphology, pornography, pyropgraphy |
γρύψ | grups | γρυπ- | gryp- | griffin | griffin |
γυνή | gunē | γυναικ- | gunaik- | woman | gynaeceum, gynaecocracy, gynecology, gynocentrism, misogynist, polygyny |
γύρος | gyros | γυρο- | gyro- | round, ring, circle | gyration, gyromancy, gyroscope, gyrostat |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English derivative | ||
δαίμων | daimōn | δαιμον- | daimon- | a divine being (in Classical Greek), an evil spirit (in New Testament Greek) | daimon, demon, demonology |
δάκρυον | dakruon | δακρυο- | dakruo- | tear | dacryocystitis, dacryon |
δάκτυλος | daktulos | δακτυλ- | daktul- | finger | dactyl, dactyliomancy, dactylosaurus, dactylitis, pterodactyl |
δάμαζω | damazo | δαμα- | dama- | to tame, to break (in) or conquer | adamant, damalis, diamond |
δασύς | dasus | δασυ- | dasu- | thick, dense | dasylirion, dasymeter, dasypeltis |
δέκα | deka | δεκα- | deka- | ten | decade, decagon, decalogue, decameron, decamethonium, decasyllable, decathlon |
δέλτα | delta | δελτ- | delt- | the letter delta, triangular | delta, deltoid |
δελτίον | deltion | δελτιο- | deltio- | small writing tablet | deltiology |
δελφίς | delphis | δελφιν- | dolphin- | dolphin | dolphin, dolphinarium |
δέμνιον | demnion | δεμν- | demn- | bed | didemnum |
δένδρον | dendron | δενδρ(ο)- | dendr(o)- | tree | dendrite, dendrochronology, dendroclimatology, dendrogram, dendrology, liriodendron, Philodendron, rhododendron, Toxicodendron |
δέρμα | derma | δερμ[α]- | derm(a)- | skin | dermatoglyphics, dermatology, dermatome, dermatomyositis, dermatophyte, dermis, epidermis |
δεύτερος | deuteros | δευτερο- | deutero- | second | deuteragonist, deuterium, Deuteronomy |
δέω | deó | δη- | de- | bind, tie, fasten | asyndeton, diadem, syndetic |
δῆλος | delos | δηlo- | delo- | clear, evident, manifest | adelopod, adelospondylus, adelophagi, adelophryne, psychedelic |
δῆμος | dēmos | δημο- | demo- | people, power | demagogy, deme, demiurge, democracy, demographic, demography, demotic, Dimotiki, endemism, epidemic, pandemic |
διά | dia | δια | dia | through | adiabatic, archdeacon, deacon, diabetes, diabolic, diachronic, diacritic, diadem, diagnosis, diagonal, diagram, dialectic, dialogue, dialysis, diaper, diaphanous, diaphragm, diarrhea, diaspora, diastase, diastole, diatessaron, diatom, diameter, diamond, dianetics, diatonic, diatribe |
δίαιτα | diaita | way of life, regimen | diet | ||
διάβολος | diabolos | slanderer, accuser, devil | devil, diabolic, diablotin | ||
διάκονος | diakonos | διάκονος | dia | temple official, deacon | deacon, archdeacon |
διάλογος | dialogos | discussion | dialogue | ||
διδάσκω | didaskō | διδασκ- | didask- | I teach | didactic, Didache |
δίδυμος | didumos | διδυμ- | didum- | double, twofold, twin | didymium, epididymis |
δίηγησις | diēgēsis | διηγησι- | diegesi- | narration, narrative | diegesis |
διοίκησις | dioikēsis | διοικησι- | dioikesi | housekeeping, management | diocese |
δίοπτρον | dioptron | a means of seeing through, various optical instruments | dioptre | ||
δίς, δύο | dis-, duo- | δίς-, δί-, διχο-, δυo- | dis-, di-, duo- | twice, two | diatomic, dichogamy, dichotomy, dicotyledon, dioxide, diphthong, dipolar, dissect, disulfide, disyllable, duo, duopoly |
διφθέρα | diphthera | διφθερ- | diphther- | skin, hide, piece of leather | diphtheria |
δοκέω | dokeó | δοκ-, δόξ- | doc-, dox- | believe, have an opinion, imagine, understand | chionodoxa, docetism, doxology, doxography, heterodoxy, orthodoxy, paradox, paradoxology, paradoxurus, synecdoche |
δράκων | drákōn | snake, dragon | dragon, draconian (cf. Draco), dragoon | ||
δράσις | drasis | δρασι- | drasi- | action | drastic |
δρόμος | dromos | δρομ- | drom- | racing, running, racecourse, course | aerodrome, anadromous, dromaeosauridae, dromedary, dromograph, dromomania, dromometer, dromos, dromotropic, hippodrome, hydrodrome, motordrome, palindrome, prodrome, syndrome |
δύναμις | dunamis | δυν- | dun- | power, strength, force | adynamia, adynamic, aerodynamics, aerodyne, amplidyne, autodyne, dynameter, dynamicism, dynamics, dynamism, dynamite, dynamo, dynamometer, dynamotor, dynasty, dynatron, dyne, electrodynamics, heterodyne, hydrodynamics, isodynamic, magnetohydrodynamics, metadyne, neutrodyne, psychodynamics, superheterodyne, thermodynamics |
δυσ- | dys- | δυσ- | dys- | English prefix either un- or mis- | dysentery, dysfunction, dyslexia, dyspepsia, dysphemism, dysphoria, dysplasia, dysprosium, dystopia, dystrophy |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English derivatives | ||
ἑβδομάς | hebdomas | ἑβδομαδ- | hebdomad- | week | hebdomad |
ἐγκύκλιος παιδεία[2] - enkuklios paideia |
ἐγκυκλοπαιδει- - enkuklopaidei- |
encyclopedia, lit. circular, general education | encyclopedia, encyclopedic | ||
ἑγώ | egō | ἐγω- | ego- | I, me, my | ego, egocentrism |
εἰκών | eikōn | εἰκoν- | eikon- | icon, picture, painting, reality, kind | icon, iconicity, iconoclast |
εἰδῶ | eidó | εἰδ- | eid-, oid- | see, behold, perceive | adenoid, alkaloid, amyloid, android, aneuploidy, anthropoid, arachnoid, asteroid, carotenoid, celluloid, choroid, colloid, corticosteroid, crinoid, cuboid, deltoid, diploid, droid, eidetic, eidolon, ellipsoid, factoid, fibroid, hemorrhoid, hominoid, humanoid, hyoid, hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, kaleidoscope, keloid, mastoid, meteoroid, mongoloid, negroid, opioid, ovoid, paranoid, polyploidy, rheumatoid, rhizoid, rhomboid, sarcoid, scaphoid, schizoid, sigmoid, sinusoid, solenoid, sphenoid, steroid, tabloid, thyroid, trapezoid, typhoid, xiphoid |
εἰρήνη | eirēnē | εἰρην- | eiren- | peace, harmony | irene |
ἔκλειψις | ekleipsis | ἑκλειψι- | ekleipsi- | eclipse | eclipse, eclipsis, ecliptic |
ἔλαιον | elaion | ἐλαι- | elai- | oil | olive, el(a)eo-, oil, oleo-, vaseline |
ἐλαστικός | elastikos | ἐλαστικ- | elastik- | elastic | elastic, elasticity |
ἐλεημοσύνη | eleēmosýnē | pity, mercy | alms, eleemosynary | ||
ἕλιξ | helix | ἑλικ- | helik- | helix | helix, helicopter, helicity |
ἑλλέβορος | helléboros | hellebore | hellebore | ||
ἔλλειψις | elleipsis | ἐλλειψι- | elleipsi- | ellipse | ellipse, ellipsis, ellipsoid, ellipticity |
ἔμφασις | emphasis | έμφασι- | emphasi- | emphasis | emphasis, emphasize, emphatic |
ἔμϕυτος | émphytos | implanted, engrafted | imp | ||
ἐνέργεια | energeia | ενέργει- | energei- | energy | energetic, energize, energy |
ἐγκαυστικός | enkaustikós | burning in, encaustic | encaustic | ||
ἐπί | epi | επ- | ep- | upon, above | anepigraphic, eparch, epiglottis, epigone, epigraph, episcopacy, epistemology, epistle, epoch, epode, eponym, epoxy |
ἐπίσκοπος | epískopos | overseer, bishop | bishop, archbishop | ||
επιστολή | epistolē | message, letter | epistle | ||
ἔργον | ergon | ἐργ- | erg- | action, deed, practice, work | erg, ergative, ergonomics, parergon, zymurgy |
Ἑρμῆς | Hermēs | Ἑρμ- | herm- | messenger of the gods | Hermeticism, Hermetic, hermeneutics, |
ἑρπετόν | herpeton | ἑρπετό- | herpeto- | creeping animal | herpetology |
ἐρυθρός | eruthros | ἐρυθρ- | erythr- | red | erysipelas, erysipeloid, Erythrina, erythrism, erythrite, erythritol, erythroblast, erythroblastosis, erythrocyte, erythrocytosis, erythrolitmin, erythromycin, erythronium, erythropoiesis, erythropoietin, erythrose |
ἑπτά | hepta | ἑπτα- | hepta- | seven | heptagon, heptameter, heptarchy, heptathlon |
ἕτερος | heteros | ἑτερο- | hetero- | different | heterogeneous, heterogram, heterosexual, heterozygous |
ἔτυμος | etumos | ἔτυμ- | etym- | true | etymology |
εὖ | eu | εὐ- | eu- | well, good | eucharist, eugenics, eukaryote, eulogy, eunomia, euphemism, euphoria, evangelism |
εὐρύς | eurus | ευρυ- | eury- | wide | eurypterid |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
ζήλος | zēlos | ζηλ- | zel- | zeal, jealousy | jealous, overzealous, zeal, zealot, zelotypia |
ζημία | zémia | ζημ- | zem- | damage, loss | zemiology |
ζητῶ | zētō | ζητε- | zete- | search, inquire | zetetic |
ζέφυρος | zephuros | ζεφυρ- | zephyr- | west wind | zephyr |
ζίζυφον | zizuphon | ζίζυφον | zizuphon | jujube | ziziphus |
ζόφος | zophos | ζόφ- | zoph- | darkness, gloom | zophos, zophotermes |
ζώννυμι | zonnymi | ζω- | zō- | to gird, gird on, put on one's girdle | zone, zoster |
ζῷον | zōon | ζῳο- | zōo- | animal | azoospermia, bryozoa, cryptozoa, cryptozoology, Mesozoa, metazoon, placozoa, protozoa, protozoology, spermatozoon, zoantharia, zoanthropy, zoochlorella, zodiac, zoea, zoetrope, zoo, zoogeography, zoography, zoolatry, zoology, zoomorphism, zoophilia, zoophyte, zooplasty, zoopraxiscope, zoospore, zootomy, zooxanthella |
ζυγόν | zugon | ζυγ- | zyg- | yoke | syzygy, zeugma, zygon, zygospore, zygote |
ζύμη | zumē | ζυμ- | zym- | leaven | azyme, enzyme, exoenzyme, isoenzyme, isozyme, lysozyme, pancreozymin, ribozyme, zymase, zymogen, zymology, zymosis, zymurgy |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
ἡγεμῶν | hēgemōn | ἡγεμον- | hēgemon- | leader | eisegesis, exegesis, hegemony |
ἡδύς | hēdus | ἡδυ- | hēdu- | sweet | hedychium |
ἦθος | ēthos | ἠθ- | ēth- | moral | ethics, ethos |
ἥλιος | hēlios | ἡλιο- | hēlio- | sun | anthelion, aphelion, helianthus, heliocentric, heliochrome, helion, heliodon, heliograph, heliography, heliometer, helioscope, helioseismology, heliostat, heliotropic, heliotropism, helium, parhelion, perihelion |
ἡμέρα | hēmera | ἡμέρ- | hēmer- | day | ephemeral, ephemeris, ephemeron, hemera, hemeralopia, Hemerobiidae, hemerocallis, nycthemeron |
ἠώς | ēōs | ἠο- | ēo- | dawn | eocene, eolith, eosin, eosinophil, eozoon |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
θάνατος | thanatos | θανατ- | thanat- | death | euthanasia, thanatology, thanatosis |
θεός | theos | θε- | the- | a god | atheism, theocracy, theology, theism |
θέσις | thesis | θέσ- | thes- | thesis | thesis |
θεωρία | theōria | θεωρι- | theori- | theory | theory, theorem, theoretical |
θεράπων | therapon | θεράπ- | therap- | waiting man, servant, service to others | aromatherapy, bibliotherapy, chemotherapy, cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, hypnotherapy, narcotherapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, radiotherapy, therapeutics, therapy |
θερμός | thermos | θερμ- | therm- | hot | endothermic, exothermic, geothermic, hyperthermia, hypothermia, isotherm, thermal, thermochemistry, thermochronology, thermocouple, thermodynamic, thermoelectric, thermography, thermonuclear, thermoplastic, thermos, thermosphere, thermostat |
θησαυρός | thēsauros | θησαυρ- | thesaur- | storehouse, treasure | thesaurus, treasure, treasury |
θρηνῳδία | threnōĭdia | - | - | a dirge | threnody |
θρόνος | thronos | θρον- | thron- | an elevated seat | dethronement, enthronement, throne |
θέατρο | theatro | θέα- | thea- | building, part of a building, or outdoor structure used for the presentation of plays, films, or other dramatic performances. The act of performing. | , theater, theatre |
θυρεοειδής | thureoeidēs | θυρεοειδ- | thyr(e)oid, thyr(e)o- | oblong shield, Galen calls the thyroid χόνδρος θυρεοειδής (shield-shaped cartilage) | thyroid, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism; thyroxine |
θύω | thuo | θυ- | thy- | to sacrifice or kill | thyme |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
ἰατρός | iatros | ἰατρ(ο)- | iatr(o)- | physician, healer | psychiatrist, geriatrics |
ἴδιος | idiοs | ἰδιο- | idio- | one's own, pertaining to oneself, private | idiom, idiopathy, idiophone, idiosyncrasy, idiot |
ἱερός | hieros | ἱερο- | hiero- | sacred | hierarchy, hieroglyph, hierocracy |
ἴππος | hippos | ἱππ(ο)- | hipp(o)- | horse | hipparch, hippeastrum, hippocampus, hippodrome, hippogriff, hippology, hippophagy, hippophile, hippopotamus, hippuris, hippus, Phillip, Philippines |
ἴσος | isos | ἱσο- | iso- | equal to, the same as | isobar, isocephalic, isochronous, isocracy, isokinetic, isomer, isometric, isomorphic, isopod, isosceles, isostacy, isothermal, isotonic, isotope, isotropic, anisotropic, pantisocracy |
ἵστημι\ἵσταναι | histemi/histanai | ἵστo-, ἵστa-, sta- | histo-, hista-, sta- | to stand up or establish | anastasia, apostasy, astatic, ecstasy, epistasis, gyrostat, heliostat, histidine, histogram, histology, histone, homeostasis, hydrostatic, metastasis, stater, system, stadium, static, thermostat |
ἱστορία | historia | ἱστορι- | histori- | history | ahistorical, history, historian, |
ἰέναι | ienai | εἰ/οἰ/ἰ/ἰοντ- | ei-/oi-/i-/iont- | go | anion, ion |
ἰχθύς | ikhthus | ἰχθυ- | ikhthu- | fish | ikhthus, ichthyology |
k, c
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English derivatives | ||
καθέδρα | kathédra | chair | chair, cathedral, chaise | ||
καίω | kaio | to light, set on fire | see καυστικός, καυστός, ἐγκαυστικός, ὁλόκαυ(σ)τος | ||
κακός | kakos | κακο- | kako- | bad, evil | cacochymy, cacodemon, cacodyl, cacoethes, cacology, caconym, cacophony, cacotopia, cacoxenite |
καλέω | kaleo | καλ- καλ- |
kalo-, kalli- | to call or summon | ecclesiastic, paraclete |
καλός | kalos | καλο- καλλι- |
kalo-, kalli- | beautiful | calotype, calligraphy, calisthenics, kaleidoscope |
καλύπτω | kalupto | καλυπτ- καλυψ- |
kalypt- kalyps- |
I cover | apocalypse, apocalypticism, calyptra, calyptrogyne, eucalyptus |
κάμηλος < Semitic | kámēlos | camel | camel | ||
κάναστρον | kánastron | wicker basket | canister | ||
κάννα | kánna | reed | cane, cannon | ||
κάνναβις | kánnabis | hemp | cannabis, canvas | ||
κάμμαρος | kammaros | καμμαρ- | kammar- | sea-crab, lobster | gammaridae |
κανών | kanōn | a rule | canon, canonical | ||
καπνός | kapnos | καπνo- | kapno- | smoke | capnography, capnomancy, capnometer, capnomor, capnophile |
καρπός | karpos | καρπ- | carp- | fruit, result, profit | acarpous, artocarpus, ascocarp, carpel, carpolite, carpology, dipterocarpaceae, discocarpus, endocarp, exocarp, hydnocarpus, lithocarpus, macrocarpa, mericarp, mesocarp, monocarpic, oligocarpus, parthenocarpy, pericarp, physocarpus, pilocarpine, podocarp, polycarpic, schizocarp, sporocarp, stenocarpus, trachycarpus |
κάρυον | karuon | κάρυον | karuon | nut | dikaryon, eukaryotic |
κατά | kata | κατά- | kat(a)- | downwards, along | acatalepsy, autocatalysis, catabolism, catachresis, cataclysm, catadioptrics, catagenesis, cataglottis, catalepsy, catalysis, catalog, cataphora, cataplasm, cataplexy, catapult, cataract, catarrh, catasetum, catastasis, catasterism, catastrophe, catastrophic, catastrophism, catatonia, katabasis, catoptric, catoptromancy, catoptrophobia |
καυστικός | kaustikós | καυστικ- | caustic- | capable of burning, caustic | caustic, encaustic |
καυστός | kaustós | capable of being burnt | holocaust | ||
κεντέω | kenteo | κέντ- | cent- | to prick (a point), goad, sting | amniocentesis, androcentrism, anthropocentrism, center, central |
κέρας | keras | κερατ(ο)- | kerat(o)- | horn | ceratopsid, ceratosaurus, keratin, rhinoceros, triceratops |
κεραυνός | keraunós | κεραυνo- | kerauno- | a thunderbolt | ceraunics, ceraunograph, ceraunomancy, ceraunoscopy, keraunomedicine, keraunoparalysis, keraunopathy |
κεφαλή | kephalē | κεφαλ- | cephal- | head | acanthocephalan, acephaly, acrocephalas, anencephalic, bicephalous, brachycephalic, cephalalgia, cephalomancy, cephalopod, cephalothorax, cephalic, encephalitis, hydrocephalus, isocephalic, macrocephalic, microcephalic |
κηρός | keros | κηρό- | kero- | bees-wax | cere, ceromancy, kerosene |
κήτος | kētos | κητο | kēto- | sea monster, whale | cetacea, cetology |
κιθάρα | kithara | κιθαρ- | kithar- | lute | guitar, zither |
κινῆσθαι | kinēsthai | κινησι- | kines- | to move, motion | kinetic energy, kinesis, psychokinesis |
κίνημα | kinēma | κινηματ- | kinemat- | movement | cinema, cinematic, cinematography |
κίρκος, κρίκος | kírkos, kríkos | ring, circle | circus, circle | ||
κίστη | kístē | a box or chest | chest (furniture), cistern | ||
κλάω | klaó | κλα- | cla- | to break or break off | clastic, iconoclast, pyroclastic |
κλέπτω | klépto | κλέπτ- | klept- | thief | clepsydra, kleptarchy, klepto, kleptocracy, kleptomania, kleptophobia |
κλῆρος | kléros | κλῆρ- | cler- | lot, portion | cleric, clerk, cleromancy, kleroterion |
κλίνω | klino | κλι- | kli- | to make slope or slant, to bend, to rest | aclinic, anticlimax, anticline, autoclitic, climate, climatic, climatology, climax, cline, clinic, clinomania, clinotherapy, geosyncline, matroclinous, monoclinic, syncline, synclitic, thermocline, triclinic |
κλών | klōn | κλων- | klōn- | branch, twig | clone |
κόλλα | kólla | κόλ- | col- | glue | collage, collagen, collin, colloid, protocol |
κόκκος | kókkos | berry | coccoid, coccolithophore, coccus, diplococcus, Enterococcus, Sarcococca, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus | ||
κόκκυξ | kókkyx | κόκκυγ- | coccyg- | cuckoo | coccygodynia, coccyx |
κολοσσός, κολοττός | kolossos, kolottos | a statue of a person, especially a large one used in ritual | Colossus, colosseum, colossal | ||
κόμμα | kómma | a cut-off piece, short clause | comma | ||
κόπρος | kópros | κόπρο- | koprο- | dung, manure | coprolalia, coprolite, coprology, coprophagy, coprophilia |
κόπτω | kóptō | kop- | kop- | cut, cut off, strike, smite | apocope, coppice, copse, syncopate |
κόσμος | kósmos | κοσμ- | kosm- | order, the universe, jewel | cosmetic, cosmography, cosmology, cosmological, cosmic, cosmical, cosmopolitan |
κράτος | kratos | κρα- | cra- | power, rule | androcracy, arithmocracy, aristocracy, autocracy, bureaucracy, democracy, gerontocracy, hagiocracy, hierocracy, isocracy, kleptocracy, meritocracy, mesocracy, mobocracy, moneyocracy, ochlocracy, pedantocracy, pigmentocracy, plutocracy, psephocracy, stratocracy, slavocracy, technocracy, theocracy, timocracy |
κρίνω | krinō | κρίσ-, κρίτ-, κρίν- | cris-, crit-, crin- | to judge or decide | apocrine, crisis, critic, diacritic, endocrine, hypocrite |
κριτήριον | kritērion | a test or standard | criterion | ||
κρόκος < Semitic | krókos | crocus, saffron | crocus | ||
κρύος | kruos | κρυ- | cry-, cru- | frost, ice, cold | cryobiology, cryogenic, cryolite, cryonics, cryophilic, cryopreservation, cryoprobe, cryoprotectant, cryoscope, cryosphere, cryostat, cryosurgery, cryotherapy, crystal |
κρύσταλλος | krýstallos | crystallo- | clear ice, rock crystal | crystal | |
κρυπτός | kruptos | κρυπτ- | krupt- | hidden | apocrypha, cryptology, encryption |
κῦδος | kūdos | κυδ | kūd- | glory, fame | kudos |
κύκλος | kuklos | κυκλ(ο) | kukl(o)- | ring, circle, round | bicycle, cyclamen, cycle, cyclic, cyclomancy, cyclone, cyclops, cyclorama, cyclotron, encyclopedia, motorcycle, recycle, tetracycline, tricycle, unicycle |
κῦμα | kuma | κυματ | kumat- | wave | cymatium, myokymia |
κύμβαλον | kýmbalon | cymbal | cymbal, chime (?), cimbalom | ||
κύμῑνον < Semitic? | kýmīnon | cumin | cumin | ||
κυπάρισσος | kypárissos | cypress | cypress | ||
Κύπρος | Kýpros | Cyprus | copper | ||
κυριακός | kyriakós | κυριακὸν (δῶμα) | (house) of the lord | church[3] | |
κύτος | kýtos | κυτ- | kut- | hollow, receptacle | cyto- (cell): cytology, cytoplasm, cytosine, cytotoxic; -cyte (type of cell): leukocyte, lymphocyte, oocyte, phagocyte, pinocytosis, syncytial |
κύων, κυνός | kuōn, kunos | κυν- | kun- | dog | cynanthropy, cynic, cynicism, cynocephaly, cynodont, cynosure |
κύστη | kustē | κυστ- | kust- | cyst, bladder | cyst, cystectomy, cysteine, cysticercosis |
κῶμα | kōma | κωμ- | koma- | deep sleep | coma |
κῶμoς | kōmos | κωμ- | com- | village festival, merry-making | comedy, comic, encomium |
|- |κώνος || kṓnos || || || pine-cone, spinning top, geometrical cone || cone
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English derivatives | ||
μαθηματικός | mathēmatikos | μαθηματικ- | mathēmatik- | fond of learning | mathematical, mathematics, polymath |
μακρός | makros | μακρο- | makro- | long | macrobiotic, macroeconomics, macron |
μάλαγμα | malagma | μαλαγματ- | amalagmat- | that can be softened | amalgam, amalgamation |
μανία | mania | μανί- | mani- | madness, passion, frenzy | arithmomania, bibliomania, dipsomania, egomania, erotomania, graphomania, hippomania, hypermania, hypomania, kleptomania, mania, megalomania, micromania, monomania, morphinomania, narcomania, nymphomania, oniomania, plutomania, pyromania, trichotillomania |
μανός | manos | μαν- | man- | loose, rare | manograph, manometer, manoscope |
μάντις | mantis | μαν- | man- | one who divines, see, prophet | ailuromancy, alectryomancy, aleuromancy, amniomancy, anthropomancy, arachnomancy, arithmancy, astromancy, austromancy, belomancy, bibliomancy, botanomancy, capnomancy, cartomancy, catoptromancy, cephalomancy, ceraunomancy, ceromancy, chiromancy, chronomancy, cleromancy, cyclomancy, dactyliomancy, daphnomancy, demonomancy, enoptomancy, felidomancy, geomancy, gastromancy, geomancy, gyromancy, halomancy, heiromancy, hippomancy, hydromancy, ichthyomancy, kephalomancy, lampadomancy, lecanomancy, lithomancy, logomancy, metopomancy, myomancy, necromancy, narcomancy, oenomancy, oneiromancy, onomancy, ophiomancy, orthinomancy, osteomancy, pedomancy, pegomancy, praying mantis, psephomancy, psychomancy, pyromancy, rhabdomancy, rhapsodomancy, scapulimancy, sciomancy, selenomancy, spodomancy, technomancy, tephramancy, tasseomancy, theomancy, zoomancy |
Μαραθών | Marathōn | – | – | a place-name, Marathon | marathon, the non-Greek back-formation -athon: walkathon |
μάρμαρος | marmaros | μαρμ- | marm- | crystalline rock | marble |
μαρτυρία | marturia | μαρτυρ- | martur- | testimony | martyr |
μαστός | mastos | μαστ- | mast- | breast | mastectomy, mastitis, mastodon, mastoid |
μέγας, μέγιστος | megas, megistos | μεγα- μεγαλο- |
mega- megalo- |
big, great, large; greatest | megabyte, megafauna, megaphone, megalomania, megalopolis; almagest (via Arabic), Hermes Trismegistus |
μέθοδος | methodos | μεθοδ- | method- | following after, pursuit, method, system | method, methodical, Methodist |
μέλας | melas | μελαν- | melan- | pigmented, black, ink | melancholy, melanesia, melanie, melanocyte, melanoma |
μέλος | melos | μέλο- | melo- | music, song, melody | melodrama, melody, melisma |
μέσος | mesos | μέσο- | meso- | middle, between, in the midst of | mesial, Mesoamerica, mesocracy, mesoderm, mesolithic, mesomorphic, mesosphere, Mesozoic |
Μεσσίας | Messias | Μεσσία- | Messia- | Messiah, the Anointed One | Messiah, messianic |
μέταλλον | metallon | μεταλλ- | metal- | mine, quarry, metal | metal, metallic, metalloid, trimetallic |
μετέωρος | meteōros | μετεωρ- | meteor- | raised from the ground, hanging | meteor, meteorite, meteoroid, meteorology |
μετρώ | metrō | μετρ- | metr- | I measure | diameter, geometry, horometry, metre, metrology, symmetry |
μήτηρ | meter | μήτηρ- | matr- | mother | endometriosis, endometrium, matriarch, matroclinous |
μήνη | mēnē | μήν- | mēn- | moon | meniscoid, meniscus, menispermum |
μηχανή | mēkhanē | μηχαν- | mēchan- | machine | machine, mechanics, mechanism |
μικρός | mikros | μικρο- | mikro- | small | micron, microscope |
μῖμος | mimos | μιμ- | mim- | imitator | mime, mimesis, mimetic, mimic |
μῖσος | misos | μισ- | mīs- | hatred | misandry, misanthrope, misogyny |
μίτος | mitos | μίτ- | mit- | thread | mitochondrion, mitogen, mitogenesis, mitome, mitosis |
μνῆμη | mnēmē | μνη- | mne- | memory | amnesia, amnesty, Mneme, mnemonic |
μοναστήριον | monastḗrion | monk's cell, monastery | monastery | ||
μόναρχος | mónarkhos | absolute ruler | monarch | ||
μοναχός | monakhós | solitary | monk | ||
μόνος | monos | μονο- | mon-, mono- | alone, only, single | monarchy, monastery, monatomic, monk, monoceros, monochromatic, monocle, monoculture, monogamy, monogeny, monogram, monograph, monolith, monologue, monomania, monomer, monometallic, mononuclear, monophysite, monoplane, monopoly, monopsony, monorail, monosyllable, monotheist, monotony, monotype, monoxide |
μορφή | morphē | μορφ- | morph- | form | amorphous, anamorphic, anthropomorphous, biomorphous, dimorphous, ectomorph, endomorph, heteromorphic, isomorphic, mesomorph, metamorphosis, morph, morpheme, Morpheus, morphine, morphology, morphometrics, pleomorphic, polymorphism, pseudomorph |
μωρός | mōros | μωρο- | moro- | dull | moron, oxymoron |
Μοῦσα | Mousa | μουσ- | mous- | a patron goddess of the arts | Muse, museum, music |
μῦθος | muthos | μυθ- | myth- | word, speech, tale, story | myth, mythical, mythography, mythology |
μύκης | mukēs | μυκητ- | mukēt- | mushroom, fungus | classical roots are myces, myceto-, -mycete: actinomycetes, apophysomyces, gasteromycete, oomycete; but the most common form is the non-classical myco-: mycology, mycosis, mycophage; other irregular formations include -mycin: streptomycin, erythromycin, gasteromycete, mycology, mycosis, oomycete |
μῦς | mus | μυο- | muo/myo- | mouse, muscle | myo-, fibromyalgia, muscle, myasthenia, myoblast, myocarditis, myoclonus, myocyte, myoglobin |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
νάνος | nanos | νανο- | nano- | dwarf | nanometry, nanosecond, nanotechnology |
νάρκισσος | nárkissos | Narcissus | narcissus | ||
νάρθηξ | narthēx | ναρθηκ- | narthek | giant fennel | narthex |
νάρκη | narkē | νάρκ- | narc- | numbness, deadness | narcoanalysis, narcodiagnosis, narcodollar, narcohypnosis, narcolepsy, narcology, narcomancy, narcomania, narcosis, narcosynthesis, narcoterrorism, narcotherapy, narcotic |
ναυτικός | nautikos | ναυτ- | naut- | sailor, ship | aeronautics, astronaut, astronautics, naumachia, nausea, nautical, nautilus |
νεκρός | nekros | νεκρο- | nekro- | dead, a corpse | necromancy, necrophilia, necrophobia, necropolis, necrosis, nectar |
νέος | neos | νεο- | neo- | new, young | neon, neologism, neolithic, neopaganism, neophyte, neo- |
νεῦρον | neuron | νευρ(ο)- | neur(o)- | nerve, sinew | neuralgia, neurapraxia, neurasthenia, neurectomy, neurine, neuritis, neurobiology, neurochemistry, neurogenesis, neurolemma, neurolinguistics, neurology, neuron neuropathy, neurosis |
νεφρός | nephros | νεφρ(ο)- | nephr(o)- | kidney | nephrectomy, nephritis, nephrology, nephron, nephropathy, nephrosis, nephrotomy |
νίκη | nikē | νικ- | nik- | victory | Berenice, Veronica, Nike |
νόος | noos | νοο- | noo- | mind | noosphere, nootropic, paranoia, paranoid |
νόσος | nosos | νοσο- | noso- | disease | nosology |
νόστος | nostos | νοστ- | nost- | return home | nostalgia, nostalgic, nostos |
νύμφη | numphē | νύμφ- | nymph- | a bride, daughter-in-law | nymph, nymphette nympholepsy, nymphomania |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
ξανθός | xanthos | ξανθ- | xanth- | yellow | Xanthippe, xanthene, xanthine, xanthophyll, xanthosis, xanthous |
ξένος | xenos | ξενο- | xeno- | strange, stranger, guest | xenia, xenon, xenophobia, xenophobic, xenopus |
ξηρός | xēros | ξηρο- | xer(o)- | dry | xeric, xerography, xerophyte, xerophthalmia, xerox |
ξίφος | xiphos | ξιφ- | xiph- | sword | xiphias, xiphoid |
ξύλον | xulon | ξυλ- | xul- | wood | xylan, xylem, saproxylic, xylene, xylitol, xylography, xylophone, xylyl |
ξύω | xuo | ξυ- | xy- | scrape | xyster, xyston, xystus |
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Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
παιδεία | paideia | -παιδεια/παιδει- | -paideia/paidei- | education, culture | encyclop(a)edia, Wikipedia |
παιωνία | paiōnia | peony < physician < healing | peony | ||
παῖς | pais | παιδ- | ped- | boy, child | encyclopedia, hypnopedia, orthopedic, pediatrician, pedagogue, pedant, pederast, pedophilia, pederast, posturpedic |
πάθος | pathos | παθ- | path- | that which happens, incident, accident, passion, emotion, feeling | apathy, anthropopathy, antipathy, empathy, idiopathy, osteopathy, pathos, pathology, pathetic, pathogen, psychopath, empathy, sympathy |
παλαιός | palaios | παλαι(ο)- | palai(o)- | ancient, old | paleoanthropology, paleobiology, paleobotany, Paleocene, paleoecology, paleogeology, paleography, paleolithic, paleontology, Paleozoic, paleoseismology, paleogeography |
πάλιν | palin | πάλιν- | palin- | back, backwards, again | palimpsest, palindrome, palinode |
πάνθειος | pantheios | relating to all the gods | pantheon | ||
πάνθηρ | panthēr | large spotted cat | panther | ||
παπᾶς, πάππας | papás, páppas | daddy, bishop | pope | ||
παρά | para | παρ(α)- | par(a)- | alongside of, by, past, beyond, against | parable, paracentesis, paraclete, paradigm, paradox, paraesthesia, paragon, paragraph, paralanguage, paralegal, parallax, parallel, paralipsis, paralysis, paramagnetic, paramecium, paramedic, parameter, paramilitary, paranoia, paranormal, paraphernalia, paraphilia, paraphrase, paraplegia, paraprofessional, parapsychology, paraquat, parasite, parasympathetic, parataxis, paregoric, parenchyma, parenthesis, paresis, parhelion, parish, paronchyia, parody, paronomasia, paronym, parotid, parousia, paroxysm |
παράδεισος (< Persian) | parádeisos | a Persian park, heaven, where souls await resurrection | paradise, parvis | ||
παραμετρέω | parametrēō | παραμετ- | paramet- | measure one thing by another, compare | parameter, parametrise |
πᾶς | pas | παν-, παντο- | pan-, panto- | all, complete | pantheism, pantomime, panacea, pandemic |
πατήρ | patēr | πατρ- | patr- | father | patriarch |
πάτριος | patriοs | πατρι- | patr- | fatherland, country | patriot, patriotic, patriotism |
πεῖρα | peira | πειρα- | peira- | trial, attempt, attack | pirate, piracy |
πείρα | peira | πειρ- | peir- | experience | empirical, empiricism |
πέλαγος | pelagos | πέλαγο- | pelago- | the sea, the deep | abyssopelagic, archipelago, hadopelagic, pelagic |
πέμπω | pempo | πεμπ- | pemp- | to send or dispatch | apopemptic, hypnopompic, pomp, pompous |
πεντείκοντα | penteíkonta | πεντείκo- | penteco- | fifty | pentecost, pentecostal |
περί | peri | περι | peri | around | perimeter, period, periphrasis, peridotite |
πέτρα | petra | πετρ- | petr- | rock | petrify, petroleum, petrology, petrography, petrophysics |
πετροσέλινον | petrosélinon | parsley | parsley | ||
πλαστός | plastós | πλάστ- | plast- | formed or molded | abdominoplasty, angioplasty, arthroplasty, blepharoplasty, cheiloplasty, galvanoplasty, genitoplasty, homeoplasty, homoplasty, kleptoplasty, mastoplasty, neoplasty, neuroplasty, otoplasty, osteoplasty, palatoplasty, plastic, plasma, plaster, rhinoplasty, septoplasty, strictureplasty, thoracoplasty, thyroplasty, vaginoplasty, zooplasty |
πλατύπους | plātýpous | platy- | flat-footed | platypus | |
πλατύς/-εῖα | plātýs | πλατυ- | platy- | wide, flat | place, plaza, piazza; platy-; possibly plat, plate[4] |
πλείων | pleiōn | πλειω-/πλεο- | pleio/-pleo | more, abundance, to be full | pleiotropy, pleochroism, pleocytosis, pleomorphism, pleonasm, pleonaste, pleonexia, plethora, Pliocene |
πληγή | plēgē | πληγ- | pleg- | stroke | diplegia, paraplegia, plague |
πλοῦτος | ploutos | πλοῦτο- | pluto- | riches, wealth, abundance, Pluto (god of underworld) | plutarchy, plutocracy, plutolatry, plutomania, plutonic, plutonium, plutonomic |
ποιέω | poieō | ποιε- | poie-/poe- | make, do, create | poem, poet |
πόλεμος | polemos | πολεμ- | polem- | war | polemic, polemical |
πόλις | polis | πολ- | pol- | city | megalopolis, metropolis, polis, political, police, polity, politics |
πόλος | polοs | πολ- | pol- | axis, sky | pole (in the geographic, scientific, and mathematical senses), polar, bipolar, Polaris, polarity, polarization |
πολύς | polus | πολυ- | polu- | many, much | hoi polloi, polygamy, polyglot, Polynesia, polyphony, polytechnic, polytonic |
πόρνη | porne | πόρν- | porn- | prostitute | pornography |
πορϕύρα | porphýra | Murex snails producing Tyrian purple | purple, porphyry, porphyr- | ||
ποταμός | potamos | ποταμ- | potam- | river | hippopotamus, Mesopotamia, Potamogalinae |
ποῦς | pous | ποδ- | pod | foot | amblypoda, amphipod, arthropod, bipod, brachiopod, branchiopod, cephalopod, chenopod, decapod, gastropod, gnathopod, heteropoda, isopod, lagopus, macropod, myriapod, octopus, Oedipus, ornithopod, pauropod, podiatrist, platypoda, platypus, prosauropod, pseudopod, sauropod, tetrapod, theropod, tripod, xenopus |
ποδάγρα | podágra | foot trap, foot disease, gout | podagra | ||
πρᾶγμα | pragma | πρᾶγμα | pragma | thing done, fact | pragmatic, pragmatism |
πράσσω | prasso | πραγ- | prag- | to do, to act | praxis, chiropractor, impractical, malpractice, practical, practice, practitioner, |
πρεσβύτερος | presbuteros | πρεσβυτερ- | presbuter- | elder, older | priest, presbyopia, presbyter, presbytery |
πρό | pro | προ- | pro- | before | problem, proboscis, proclitic, procrustean, procyon, prodrome, proem, progeria, prognosis, program, prokaryote, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologue, Prometheus, promnesia, propaedeutic, propane, prophylactic, prophet, proscenium, prostate, prostomium |
πρός | pros | προs- | pros- | to, towards, with | proselyte, prosody, prosopopeia, prosthesis, |
πρῶτος | prōtos | πρωτ(ο)-/πρωθ- | proto-/proth- | first | hysteron proteron, protagonist, prothonotary, protocell, protocol, protoconch, protocone, protolith, proton, protonema, protoplanet, protoplasm, protoplast, protosome, protostar, prototheria, prototype, protozoa |
πτερόν | pteron | πτερ(ο)- | pter(o)- | wing | helicopter, Lepidoptera, ornithopter, pteranodon, Pterichthyodes, pterodactyl, pterosaurus |
πύξις, πύξος | pýxis, pýxos | boxwood, box | box, pyx, pyxis | ||
πῦρ | pyr | πυρ(ο)- | pyr(o)- | fire | antipyretic, chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyroclastic, pyrography, pyrokinesis, pyrology, pyrolysis, pyromancy, pyromania, pyrotechnics |
πύργος | pýrgos | πυργ- | pyrg- | tower, castle, fortress | pyrgoidal, burgh (perhaps) |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
ῥάβδος | rhabdos | ῥαβδ- | rhabd- | rod | rhabdite, rhabditida, rhabdology, rhabdomancy, rhabdovirus |
ῥαψῳδός | rhapsōdos | ῥαψῳδ- | rhapsod- | reciter of Epic poetry | rhapsode, rhapsody |
ῥέω | rheó | ῥέ- | rrhea-, rhe-, rheum- | flow | catarrh, gonorrhea, hemorrhoid, leukorrhea, logorrhoea, rheum, rheumatoid |
ῥῆον βάρβαρον | rēon bárbaron | barbarian rhubarb | rhubarb | ||
ῥητορεία | rhētoreia | ῥητορ- | rhetor- | oratory | rhetoric |
ῥίζα | rhiza | ῥίζ(ο)- | rhiz(o)- | root | corallorhiza, rhizobium, rhizome, rhizophagy, rhizophora |
ῥίς | rhis | ῥιν- | rhin- | nose | rhinencephalon, rhinitis, rhinoceros, rhinolith, rhinoplasty |
ῥόδον | rhodon | ῥοδο- | rhodo- | rose, red | rhododendron, rhodium |
ῥόμβος | rhombos | ῥομβ(ο)- | rhomb(o)- | rhombus | rhombus |
ῥυθμός | rhythmos | ῥυθμ- | rhythm- | measured flow or movement, rhythm | arrhythmia, biorhythm, polyrhythm, rhythm |
ῥῶ | rhō | ῥῶ/ῥωτ- | rho-/rhot | the letter rho | rhotacism |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
σάββατον | sabbaton | σάββατ- | sabbat- | sabbath | sabbat, sabbatarian, sabbath, sabbatical |
σαγήνη | sagene | fishing dragnet | seine (via Latin and Germanic) | ||
σάκκος | sakkos | σάκκ- | sack- | sackcloth | sack, sackcloth, sarcoidosis, sarcoma |
σάλπίζω | salpizo | σάλπ- | salp- | to sound a trumpet | hydrosalpinx, salpinx |
σανδάλον | sandalon | σανδάλ- | sandal- | wooden sole bound by straps around ankle | sandal |
σανίς | sanis | σανί- | sani- | board, plank | sanidine |
σάρξ | sarx | σαρκο- | sarko- | flesh | sarcophagus, sarcasm, sarcoidosis, sarcoma |
σαῦρος | sauros | σαυρο- | sauro- | lizard | ankylosaurus, brachiosaurus, brontosaurus, ceratosaurus, dinosaur, elasmosaurus, mosasaurus, plesiosaurus, Saurida, stegosaurus, tyrannosaurus |
σείω | seió | σεί- | sei- | to shake or move back and forth | aseismic, bradyseism, cryoseism, microseism, seismic, seismocardiography, seismogram, seismograph, seismology, seismometer |
σήπω | sepo | σήπω- | sapro- | to make rotten or putrid | saprophagy, saprophyte, saprozoic |
σθένος | sthenos | σθέν- | sthen- | strength | asthenia, asthenosphere, calisthenics, myasthenia, neurasthenia |
σκέλλω | skello | σκελ-, σκληρ- | skel-, scler- | to dry, dry up, harden | arteriosclerosis, endoskeleton, exoskeleton, sclera, sclerosis, scleroderma, skeleton |
σκέλος | skelos | σκελ- | scel-, skel- | leg | isosceles, triskelion |
σκεῦος | skeuos | σκευ- | skeu- | vessel, implement | skeuomorph |
σκέπτομαι | skeptomai | σκέπ-, σκοπ- | skep-, scop- | view, examine, consider | bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, colposcopy, cystoscopy, fluoroscopy, geloscopy, gyroscope, horoscope, hygroscopic, kaleidoscope, microscope, periscope, ophthalmoscope, oscilloscope, scope, skeptic, stethoscope, stereoscope, stroboscope, telescope |
σκηνή | skéné | σκην- | sken- | a tent, tabernacle, a wooden acting stage | parascenium, proscenium, scenario, scene, scenic |
σκολιός | skolios | σκολι- | skoli- | crooked, perverse, unfair, curved, tortuous | scolex, scoliosis |
σκιά | skia | σκι- | sci- | a shadow, thick darkness, an outline | sciomancy, sciaphobia |
σοφία | sophia | σοφι- | sophi- | knowledge, wisdom | philosophy, sophisticate, sophistry, sophomore |
σπείρω, σπέρμα, σπορά | speiro, sperma | σπείρ-, σπέρματ- | spor- | sow (seed), spread, scatter | diaspora, spore, sporophyte, sperm (angiosperm), gymnosperm, sperm(at)- (spermicide, spermaticide) |
σπογγιά | spoggiá | spongio- | sponge | sponge | |
στέλλω | stélló | στελ- | stle-, stol- | put, place, equip, arrange, send | apostle, diastole, diastolic, epistle, hypodiastole, systole, systolic |
στῆθος | stéthos | στῆθος- | stethos- | breast, chest | stethoscope |
στήλη | stēlē | στηλ- | stel- | block of stone | stele, stolon |
στίγμα | stigma | στιγματ- | stigmat- | point | stigma, astigmatism |
στρέφω | strepho | στροφ- | stroph- | to turn or twist | anastrophe, antistrophe, apostrophe,[3] boustrophedon, catastrophe, epistrophe, strophe |
σύν | sún | συν- | syn-, sys- | with, in company with, together with | asynchronous, asyndetic, asystole, chemosynthesis, ecosystem, geosyncline, idiosyncrasy, photosynthesis, polysynthesis, symphony, symposium, synagogue, synallagmatic, synapse, sync, syncretism, synchronize, syncline, syncopate, syncytial, syndetic, syndicate, syndrome, synecdoche, synechia, synergy, synesthesia, synod, synonym, synopsis, syntax, synthesis, systaltic, system, systolic |
σφήν | sphēn | σφήν(ο)- | sphēn(o)- | wedge | disphenoid, sphene, sphenocrates, sphenodontia, sphenoid |
σφήξ | sphēx | σφηκ- | sphēk- | wasp | sphecidae, sphex |
σχήμα | skhēma | σχηματ- | skhēmat- | shape, form | scheme, schematic |
σχίσμα | schisma | σχί- | schi- | division, a cleaving | schism, schist, schistosomiasis, schizophrenia |
σχολή | skholē | σχολ- | skhol- | leisure, school | school, scholar, scholium, scholastic |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English derivative | ||
τάλαντον | tálanton | balance, weight, sum of money | talent | ||
τάξις, τακτική < τάσσειν | taxis, taktikē | ταξι- | taxi-, -tactic | arrangement | parataxis, phototaxis/phototactic, syntax, taxidermy, taxon, taxonomy, thermotaxis, tactics |
ταχύς | takhus | ταχυ- | tachy- | quick, swift, fast | tachometer, tachycardia, tachygraphy, tachylite, tachyon |
τελώνιον | telṓnion | toll-house | toll | ||
τέλος | telos | τελεσ-/τελε(ο)- | teles-/tele(o)- | end | teleology, teleonomy, teleostome |
τέμνω | temnō | τεμ-, τομ- | tem-, tom- | cut, incision | anatomic, anatomist, anatomy, atomic, atomizer, cholecystectomy, corectomy, craniotomy, cystotomy, dichotomy, entomology, entomophagous, episiotomy, lithotomy, lobotomy, mastectomy, oophorectomy, tomography, tonsillectomy, tracheotomy, vasectomy |
τῆλε | tēle | τηλε- | tele- | afar, far off | telegram, telegraph, telemetry, telepathy, telephone, telescope, telethon, television |
τηλεσκόπος | tēleskópos | far-seeing (of an eye) | telescope | ||
τέτταρες | tettares | τετρα- | tetra- | four | oxytetracycline, pentylenetetrazol, tetracaine, Tetragrammaton, tetrahedron, tetralogy, tetrapod, tetrarchy |
τίθημι | tithémi | θη- | the- | put, place, set down | hypothesis, parenthesis, prosthesis, synthesis, theme, thesaurus, thesis |
τίκτω | tiktó | τέκ- | tec-, tech- | to bear, to bring forth, to produce | architect, biotechnology, nanotechnology, polytechnic, pyrotechnic, technician, technetium, technical, technicality, technicolor, technique, technocrat, technology, technophile, technophobe, tectonic |
τόνος < τείνω | tonos | τεν-, τoν- | ton- | stretch, extend, spread | atonal, dystonia, intonate, isotonic, monotone, semitone, tone, tune, undertone; hypotenuse; -tenic, -teny: neoteny |
τοξικόν | toxikon | τοξικ- | toxik- | poison | toxic, toxicology, toxicosis toxin, toxoplasma |
τόπος | topos | τοπ(ο)- | top(o)- | place | atopy, cacotopia, dystopia, ectopic, isotope, topiary, topic, topography, topology, toponym, utopia |
τραγάκανθα | tragákantha | Astragalus shrub | tragacanth | ||
τρεισκαίδεκα | treiskaídeka | τρεισκαίδεκα- | treiskaídeka- | thirteen | triskaidekaphobia |
τρέπω | trepo | τρεπ- | trep-, trop- | to turn | allotrope, apotrope, atropos, entropy, geotropism, heliotrope, isotrope, phototrope, pleiotropy, psychotrope, subtropic, thigmotropism, thixotropy, trope, tropic, zoetrope |
τρόπαιον | tropaion | τροπαι- | tropai- | monument of an enemy's defeat | trophy |
τροπικός | tropikos | τροπικ- | tropik- | of the turning of the sun, tropical | tropicamide, tropics |
τροφή | trophē | τροφικ- | trophik- | nourishment, food (genitive form) | amyotrophy, atrophy, auxotrophy, chemotroph, dystrophy, heterotrophy, psychotropic[3] |
τρώγω | trogo | τρώγ- | trog-, trag- | to gnaw (like a goat), munch, crunch | tragedy, tragophonia, tragus |
τύμβος | tumbos | τυμβ- | tomb- | sepulchral mound, cairn, barrow | tomb, tombstone |
τύπτω | tuptō | τυπ- | typ- | beat, strike, wound | type, typology, typography |
τύραννος | tyrranos | τύραν- | tyran- | an absolute ruler | tyrannosaurus, tyrant |
τύρος | turos | τυρο- | turo-, tyro- | cheese | turophile, tyroglyphus, tyrosine |
(h)u, (h)y
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
ὕδνον | hudnon | ὕδνο- | hydno- | truffle | hydnocarpus |
ὕδωρ | hudōr | ὑδρο- | hydro- | water | achlorhydria, anhydrous, dehydration, hydrodynamics, hydrogen, hydrolysis, hydroponics, hydrophobic, hydrophilic |
ὕδροψ | hudrops | ὕδροπ- | hydrop- | dropsy | dropsy |
ὑγιεινή | hugieinē | ὑγιειν- | hygiein- | soundness, health | hygiene |
ὑγρός | hugros | ὑγρ/ὑγρο- | hygr/hygro- | moist | hygrine, hygrometer, hygroscopy |
ὕλη | hulē | ὕλη/ὕλ- | hylē/hul- | wood, forest | hyla, hyle, hylodes, hylozoism |
ὑμήν | humēn | ὕμεν- | hymen- | thin skin, membrane, caul | hymen, hymenoptera |
ὕμνος | humnos | ὕμν- | hymn- | hymn, ode | hymn, hymnody, hymnography |
ὕπέρ | huper | ὑπέρ- | hyper- | super-, pro-, trans-, over- | hyperactive, hyperbaton, hyperbaric, hyperbole, hyperborean, hypercritical, hyperdrive, hyperextend, hyperglycemia, hyperinflation, hyperkinetic, hyperlink, hyperopia, hyperplasia, hypersensitivity, hyperspace, hypertasis, hypertension, hypertext, hyperthyroid, hypertonic, hypertrophy, hyperventilate |
ὕπνος | hupnos | ὑπνο- | hypno- | sleep | hypnopedia, hypnopompic, hypnotherapy, hypnotism, hypnotic, narcohypnosis |
ὕπο | hupo | ὕπ(ο)- | hyp(o)- | sub-, under | hypoallergenic, hypoblast, hypochlorite, hypochondria, hypodermic, hypocrisy, hypodermic, hypoglycemia, hypomania, hypotenuse, hypothalamus, hypothecate, hypothesis, hypothermia, hypotonic, hypoxia |
ὑστέρα | hystéra | ὑστέρ- | hystér- (2nd syllable accent) | womb | hysterectomy, hysteria |
ὕστερος | husteros | ὕστερο- | hyster- (1st syllable accent) | later, latter, last | hysteresis, hysteron proteron |
k(h), c(h)
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English derivatives | ||
χαίτη | khaitē | χαιτη- | khaitē- | loose flowing hair, mane, | chaetophobia, polychaete |
χαλκός | chalkos | χαλκo- | chalco- | copper, brass, money | chalcocite, chalcography, chalcolithic, chalcopyrite, chalcosis |
χαμαιλέων | khamailéōn | chameleon | chameleon | ||
χάσκω | chaskó | χάσ- | khas- | yawning, hollow, to stand agape with mouth wide open | achene, chasm, chasmogamy |
χάος | khaos | χαοσ- | khaos- | primal emptiness | chaos, gas |
χαράσσω | kharássō | χαρ- | char-, car- | to scratch or inscribe | card, cartogram, cartography, cartomancy, carton, cartoon, cartouche, cartridge, character, characteristic, characterology, chart |
χάρις | charis | χάρις- | charis- | grace, favor, kindness | charisma, eucharist |
χεῖλος | cheilos | χεῖλ- | cheil- | a lip, mouth, shore | cheiloplasty, cheilophagia |
χείρ | kheir | χειρ- | kheir- | hand | chiral, chirograph, chiromancy, Chironomidae, chironomy, chiropodist, Chiroptera, chiropractor, enchiridion |
χερουβ | cheroub | χερουβ- | cherub- | cherub | cherub, cherubic, cherubim |
χημία , χημεία , χυμεία | khēmía | (via Arabic al-kīmiyā' alchemy) | alchemy, chemist, chemistry | ||
χίλιοι | chilioi | χίλ- | kil- | a thousand | kilobase, kilobyte, kilolitre, kilogram, kilojoule, kilometer, kilowatt |
χιών | khiōn | χιον- | khion- | snow | chionanthus, chionablepsia, chiolite, chionodoxa, chionophobia |
χολή | kholē | χολ- | chol- | bile | cholera, melancholia |
χορεία | khoreia | χορει- | chorei- | dance | choreography |
χορός | khoros | χορο- | choro- | dance | choir, chorale, chorus |
χρηστομάθεια | khrēstomatheia | useful for learning | chrestomathy | ||
χρίω | khriō | χρι- | khri- | anoint | chrism, chrismation, chrismarium, Christ, Christmas |
χρῶμα | khrōma | χρωματ- | khromat- | colour | achromatic, apochromatic, chromate, chromaticism, chrome, chromosome, chromatophore, heliochrome, monochrome, photochromism |
χρόνος | khronos | χρον- | khron- | time | anachronism, asynchronous, chronic, chronicle, chronology, chronomancy, chronometer, diachronic, isochronous, synchronous |
χρυσός | khrusos | χρυσ- | khrys- | gold | chrysalis, chrysanthemum, chrysene, chrysoberyl, chrysocolla |
Citation form | Root form | Meaning | English Derivative | ||
ὠδίν | ódin | ὠδίν- | odin- | pain of childbirth, severe agony | odinagogue, odinopoeia |
ὠμέγα | omega | ὠμεγα | omega | large o, last letter of Greek alphabet | omega |
ὦμος | ómos | ὦμο- | omo- | the shoulder | omitis, omodynia, omohyoid muscle |
ὤνος | onos | ὤν- | on- | price, purchase | oniochalasia, oniomania, oniomaniac |
ᾠόν | ōon | ᾠο- | ōo- | egg | oocyte, oogenesis, oology, oomycete, oogonia, oolite, oophorectomy |
ὥρα | hōra | ὡρ- | hōr- | season, hour | horology, horometry, horoscope |
ὠψ | ops | ὠψ- | ops- | eye, countenance | aethalops, autopsy, biopsy, cyclops, necropsy, synopsis |
See also
- Classical compound
- English words of Greek origin
- Etymologicum Magnum
- Greek language
- Hybrid word
- List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names
- List of Greek and Latin roots in English
- List of Latin words with English derivatives
- Transliteration of Greek into English
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External links
- English-French-modern Greek vocabulary – Words of Greek origin
- The Perseus Project has many useful pages for the study of classical languages and literatures, including dictionaries
- – List of many hundreds of -phobias, of Greek origin
- A Dictionary of Latin and Greek Words used in Modern English Vocabulary – List of suffixes/prefixes from Greek and Latin
- ↑ ἀγκύλος
- ↑ The word ἐγκυκλοπαιδεία is a contraction of ἐγκύκλιος παιδεία. The phrase was reduced to a single word (ἐγκυκλοπαιδεία) due to an erroneous reading. Medieval copyists of Latin manuscripts took this phrase to be a single Greek word.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 OED second edition 1989 Cite error: Invalid
tag; name "OED" defined multiple times with different content - ↑ Oxford English Dictionary s.v.