List of airports in Alaska

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This is a list of airports in Alaska (a U.S. state), grouped by type and sorted by location. It contains all public-use and military airports in the state. Some private-use and former airports may be included where notable, such as airports that were previously public-use, those with commercial enplanements recorded by the FAA or airports assigned an IATA airport code.


This list contains the following information:

  • City served – The city generally associated with the airport, as per the airport's master record with the Federal Aviation Administration. This is not always the actual location since some airports are located in smaller towns outside of the city they serve. It is not meant to be a complete list of cities served, which can be found in or added to each airport's Wikipedia article.
  • Airport name – The official airport name. Those shown in bold indicate the airport has scheduled passenger service on commercial airlines.
  • Role – One of four FAA airport categories, as per the 2011–2015 National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) report:
    • P-s: Commercial service – primary are publicly owned airports that receive scheduled passenger service and have more than 10,000 passenger boardings (enplanements) each year. Each primary airport is sub-classified by the FAA as one of the following four "hub" types (s):
      • L: Large hub that accounts for at least 1% of total U.S. passenger enplanements.
      • M: Medium hub that accounts for between 0.25% and 1% of total U.S. passenger enplanements.
      • S: Small hub that accounts for between 0.05% and 0.25% of total U.S. passenger enplanements.
      • N: Nonhub that accounts for less than 0.05% of total U.S. passenger enplanements, but more than 10,000 annual enplanements.
    • CS: Commercial service – nonprimary are publicly owned airports that receive scheduled passenger service and have at least 2,500 passenger boardings each year.
    • R: Reliever airports are designated by the FAA to relieve congestion at a large commercial service airport and to provide more general aviation access to the overall community.
    • GA: General aviation airports are the largest single group of airports in the U.S. airport system.
  • Enpl. – The number of enplanements (commercial passenger boardings) that occurred at the airport in calendar year 2013, as per FAA records.
City served FAA IATA ICAO Airport name Role Enpl.
Commercial service – primary airports
Anchorage ANC ANC PANC Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport P-M 2,325,030
Aniak ANI ANI PANI Aniak Airport P-N 14,334
Barrow BRW BRW PABR Wiley Post–Will Rogers Memorial Airport P-N 51,568
Bethel BET BET PABE Bethel Airport (also see Bethel Seaplane Base) P-N 152,084
Cordova CDV CDV PACV Merle K. (Mudhole) Smith Airport P-N 15,772
Deadhorse / Prudhoe Bay SCC SCC PASC Deadhorse Airport (Prudhoe Bay Airport) P-N 48,588
Dillingham DLG DLG PADL Dillingham Airport P-N 26,632
Fairbanks FAI FAI PAFA Fairbanks International Airport P-S 457,372
Galena GAL GAL PAGA Edward G. Pitka Sr. Airport P-N [nb 1] 14,141
Gustavus GST GST PGST Gustavus Airport P-N [nb 2] 14,141
Haines HNS HNS PAHN Haines Airport (also see Haines Seaplane Base) P-N 10,106
Homer HOM HOM PAHO Homer Airport P-N 37,705
Hoonah HNH HNH PAOH Hoonah Airport (also see Hoonah Seaplane Base) P-N [nb 3] 10,468
Juneau JNU JNU PAJN Juneau International Airport P-N 321,573
Kenai ENA ENA PAEN Kenai Municipal Airport P-N 99,821
Ketchikan KTN KTN PAKT Ketchikan International Airport P-N 109,433
King Salmon AKN AKN PAKN King Salmon Airport P-N 35,450
Kodiak ADQ ADQ PADQ Kodiak Airport P-N 79,930
Kotzebue OTZ OTZ PAOT Ralph Wien Memorial Airport P-N 61,274
Nome OME OME PAOM Nome Airport P-N 58,020
Petersburg PSG PSG PAPG Petersburg James A. Johnson Airport P-N 20,046
Sitka SIT SIT PASI Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport P-N 67,989
St. Mary's KSM KSM PASM St. Mary's Airport P-N 13,949
Unalakleet UNK UNK PAUN Unalakleet Airport P-N 14,011
Unalaska DUT DUT PADU Unalaska Airport (Tom Madsen Airport) P-N 28,556
Valdez VDZ VDZ PAVD Valdez Airport (Pioneer Field) P-N 13,318
Wrangell WRG WRG PAWG Wrangell Airport (also see Wrangell Seaplane Base) P-N 11,807
Yakutat YAK YAK PAYA Yakutat Airport (also see Yakutat Seaplane Base) P-N 10,135
Commercial service – nonprimary airports
Alakanuk AUK AUK PAUK Alakanuk Airport CS 3,213
Anaktuvuk Pass AKP AKP PAKP Anaktuvuk Pass Airport CS 4,031
Anchorage LHD PALH Lake Hood Seaplane Base (also see Lake Hood Airstrip) CS [nb 4] 7,575
Anchorage MRI MRI PAMR Merrill Field CS 6,187
Barter Island BTI BTI PABA Barter Island LRRS Airport CS 2,828
Buckland BVK BKC PABL Buckland Airport CS 3,580
Chefornak CFK CYF PACK Chefornak Airport CS 3,640
Chevak VAK VAK PAVA Chevak Airport CS 5,588
Cold Bay CDB CDB PACD Cold Bay Airport CS 9,261
Craig CGA CGA Craig Seaplane Base CS 4,368
Eek EEK EEK PAEE Eek Airport CS 3,340
Emmonak ENM EMK PAEM Emmonak Airport CS 8,268
Fort Yukon FYU FYU PFYU Fort Yukon Airport CS 7,986
Gambell GAM GAM PAGM Gambell Airport CS 3,851
Hooper Bay HPB HPB PAHP Hooper Bay Airport CS 5,949
Huslia HLA HSL PAHL Huslia Airport CS 3,400
Iliamna ILI ILI PAIL Iliamna Airport CS 6,889
Kalskag KLG KLG PALG Kalskag Airport CS 3,373
Kasigluk Z09 KUK PFKA Kasigluk Airport CS 4,164
Kiana IAN IAN PAIK Bob Baker Memorial Airport CS 3,320
King Cove KVC KVC PAVC King Cove Airport CS 2,718
Kipnuk IIK KPN PAKI Kipnuk Airport CS 5,919
Kivalina KVL KVL PAVL Kivalina Airport CS 3,481
Kongiganak DUY KKH PADY Kongiganak Airport CS 4,359
Kotlik 2A9 KOT PFKO Kotlik Airport CS 3,498
Kwethluk KWT KWT PFKW Kwethluk Airport CS 3,276
Kwigillingok GGV KWK PAGG Kwigillingok Airport (also see Kwigillingok Seaplane Base) CS 3,692
Larsen Bay 2A3 KLN PALB Larsen Bay Airport CS 2,597
Marshall MDM MLL PADM Marshall Don Hunter Sr. Airport CS 3,253
McGrath MCG MCG PAMC McGrath Airport (also see McGrath Seaplane Base) CS 5,242
Metlakatla MTM MTM PAMM Metlakatla Seaplane Base CS 4,140
Mountain Village MOU MOU PAMO Mountain Village Airport CS 4,927
Nanwalek (English Bay) KEB KEB Nanwalek Airport (was English Bay Airport) CS 3,362
Newtok EWU WWT PAEW Newtok Airport (also see Newtok Seaplane Base) CS [nb 5] 2,607
Noatak WTK WTK PAWN Noatak Airport CS 4,529
Noorvik D76 ORV PFNO Robert (Bob) Curtis Memorial Airport CS 4,661
Nuiqsut AQT NUI PAQT Nuiqsut Airport CS 2,741
Nulato NUL NUL PANU Nulato Airport CS 3,404
Nunapitchuk 16A NUP Nunapitchuk Airport CS 2,877
Old Harbor 6R7 OLH Old Harbor Airport CS 3,177
Ouzinkie 4K5 KOZ Ouzinkie Airport CS [nb 6] 2,784
Pilot Station 0AK PQS Pilot Station Airport CS 3,564
Point Hope PHO PHO PAPO Point Hope Airport CS 4,713
Port Graham PGM PGM Port Graham Airport CS 2,738
Quinhagak AQH KWN PAQH Quinhagak Airport CS 6,770
Russian Mission RSH RSH PARS Russian Mission Airport CS 3,002
St. Paul Island SNP SNP PASN St. Paul Island Airport CS 3,229
Sand Point SDP SDP PASD Sand Point Airport CS 4,281
Savoonga SVA SVA PASA Savoonga Airport CS 4,323
Scammon Bay SCM SCM PACM Scammon Bay Airport CS 4,155
Selawik WLK WLK PASK Selawik Airport CS 4,828
Seldovia SOV SOV PASO Seldovia Airport (also see Seldovia Seaplane Base) CS 5,707
Shishmaref SHH SHH PASH Shishmaref Airport CS 3,126
Skagway SGY SGY PAGY Skagway Airport (also see Skagway Seaplane Base) CS [nb 7] 8,531
Stebbins WBB WBB Stebbins Airport CS 2,603
Tanana TAL TAL PATA Ralph M. Calhoun Memorial Airport CS 3,241
Thorne Bay KTB KTB Thorne Bay Seaplane Base CS 2,608
Toksook Bay OOK OOK PAOO Toksook Bay Airport CS 4,726
Tuluksak TLT TLT Tuluksak Airport CS 2,658
Tuntutuliak A61 WTL Tuntutuliak Airport (also see Tuntutuliak Seaplane Base) CS 3,662
Venetie VEE VEE PAVE Venetie Airport CS [nb 8] 2,523
Wainwright AWI AIN PAWI Wainwright Airport CS 4,129
General aviation airports
Adak Island ADK ADK PADK Adak Airport (Adak Station / Mitchell Field) GA 2,097
Akhiok AKK AKK PAKH Akhiok Airport GA 1,209
Akiachak Z13 KKI Akiachak Airport (also see Akiachak Seaplane Base) GA 2,981
Akiak AKI AKI PFAK Akiak Airport GA 1,960
Akutan 7AK KQA PAUT Akutan Airport GA 0
Akutan KQA Akutan Seaplane Base GA 1,246
Aleknagik 5A8 WKK Aleknagik Airport (also see Aleknagik Seaplane Base) GA 5
Allakaket 6A8 AET PFAL Allakaket Airport GA 2,482
Ambler AFM ABL PAFM Ambler Airport GA 2,110
Angoon AGN AGN PAGN Angoon Seaplane Base GA 1,680
Anvik ANV ANV PANV Anvik Airport (also see Anvik Seaplane Base) GA 814
Arctic Village ARC ARC PARC Arctic Village Airport GA 2,047
Atka AKA AKB PAAK Atka Airport GA 322
Atmautluak 4A2 ATT Atmautluak Airport GA 2,115
Atqasuk ATK ATK PATQ Atqasuk Edward Burnell Sr. Memorial Airport GA 2,499
Baranof / Warm Springs Bay BNF BNF Warm Springs Bay Seaplane Base GA
Beaver WBQ WBQ PAWB Beaver Airport GA 1,061
Bettles BTT BTT PABT Bettles Airport GA 1,403
Big Lake BGQ BGQ PAGQ Big Lake Airport GA
Birch Creek Z91 KBC Birch Creek Airport GA 361
Birchwood BCV PABV Birchwood Airport GA 450
Boundary BYA BYA Boundary Airport GA
Brevig Mission KTS KTS PFKT Brevig Mission Airport GA 2,133
Central CEM CEM PACE Central Airport GA 20
Chalkyitsik CIK CIK PACI Chalkyitsik Airport GA 777
Chandalar Camp 5CD Chandalar Shelf Airport GA
Chandalar Lake WCR WCR PALR Chandalar Lake Airport GA 42
Chenega C05 NCN PFCB Chenega Bay Airport GA
Chicken CKX CKX Chicken Airport GA 7
Chignik AJC PAJC Chignik Airport GA 854
Chignik Flats KCL KCL Chignik Lagoon Airport GA 648
Chignik Lake A79 KCQ Chignik Lake Airport GA 35
Chisana CZN CZN Chisana Airport GA 44
Chitina CXC CXC Chitina Airport GA
Chuathbaluk 9A3 CHU PACH Chuathbaluk Airport GA 530
Circle CRC IRC PACR Circle City Airport GA 355
Circle Hot Springs CHP CHP Circle Hot Springs Airport GA 55
Clarks Point CLP CLP PFCL Clarks Point Airport GA 454
Clear Z84 PACL Clear Airport / Clear Air Force Station GA 50
Coffman Cove KCC KCC Coffman Cove Seaplane Base GA 74
Coldfoot CXF CXF PACX Coldfoot Airport GA 212
Cordova CKU CKU Cordova Municipal Airport GA
Council K29 CIL Council Airport GA
Crooked Creek CJX CKD Crooked Creek Airport GA 549
Dahl Creek DCK DCK Dahl Creek Airport GA 51
Deering DEE DRG PADE Deering Airport GA 1,291
Diomede DM2 DIO Diomede Heliport and airport GA 272
Eagle EAA EAA PAEG Eagle Airport GA 734
Egegik EII EGX PAII Egegik Airport GA 1,305
Ekwok KEK KEK Ekwok Airport GA 284
Elfin Cove ELV ELV PAEL Elfin Cove Seaplane Base GA 305
Elim ELI ELI PFEL Elim Airport GA 2,376
Excursion Inlet EXI EXI Excursion Inlet Seaplane Base GA 30
False Pass KFP KFP PAKF False Pass Airport GA 321
Flat FLT FLT Flat Airport GA 5
Funter Bay FNR FNR PANR Funter Bay Seaplane Base GA 11
Galbraith Lake GBH GBH PAGB Galbraith Lake Airport GA 878
Girdwood AQY Girdwood Airport GA
Golovin GLV GLV PAGL Golovin Airport GA 1,753
Goodnews Bay GNU GNU Goodnews Airport GA 1,649
Goose Bay Z40 Goose Bay Airport GA
Grayling KGX KGX Grayling Airport GA 1,005
Gulkana GKN GKN PAGK Gulkana Airport GA 141
Haines 3Z9 Haines Seaplane Base GA
Healy HRR PAHV Healy River Airport GA 8
Hollis HYL HYL Hollis Seaplane Base GA 1,965
Holy Cross HCA HCR PAHC Holy Cross Airport GA 1,155
Hoonah OOH Hoonah Seaplane Base GA
Hope 5HO Hope Airport GA
Hughes HUS HUS PAHU Hughes Airport GA 1,225
Hydaburg HYG HYG PAHY Hydaburg Seaplane Base GA 38
Hyder 4Z7 WHD Hyder Seaplane Base GA 101
Igiugig IGG IGG PAIG Igiugig Airport GA 594
Ivanof Bay KIB KIB Ivanof Bay Seaplane Base GA
Juneau 5Z1 Juneau Harbor Seaplane Base GA
Kake AFE PAFE Kake Airport (also see Kake Seaplane Base) GA
Kake KAE KAE Kake Seaplane Base GA 1,440
Kaltag KAL KAL PAKV Kaltag Airport GA 2,325
Kantishna 5Z5 Kantishna Airport GA
Karluk KYK KYK PAKY Karluk Airport GA 397
Kasaan KXA KXA Kasaan Seaplane Base GA 125
Ketchikan 8K9 Murphys Pullout Seaplane Base GA
Kitoi Bay KKB KKB Kitoi Bay Seaplane Base GA 28
Klawock AKW KLW PAKW Klawock Airport (also see Klawock Seaplane Base) GA 15
Klawock AQC PAQC Klawock Seaplane Base GA
Kobuk OBU OBU PAOB Kobuk Airport GA 1,255
Kodiak KDK KDK PAKD Kodiak Municipal Airport GA
Kodiak T44 Trident Basin Seaplane Base GA [nb 9] 4,330
Kokhanok 9K2 KNK PFKK Kokhanok Airport GA 887
Koliganek JZZ KGK PAJZ Koliganek Airport GA 572
Koyuk KKA KKA PAKK Koyuk Alfred Adams Airport GA [nb 10] 2,366
Koyukuk KYU KYU PFKU Koyukuk Airport GA 1,254
Lake Louise Z55 Lake Louise Airport (also see Lake Louise Seaplane Base) GA 1
Lake Minchumina MHM MHM / LMA PAMH Minchumina Airport (Lake Minchumina Airport) GA 124
Levelock 9Z8 KLL Levelock Airport GA 447
Lime Village 2AK LVD Lime Village Airport GA 13
Manley Hot Springs MLY MLY PAML Manley Hot Springs Airport GA 41
May Creek MYK MYK May Creek Airport GA 8
McCarthy 15Z MXY PAMX McCarthy Airport GA 54
Mekoryuk MYU MYU PAMY Mekoryuk Airport GA 1,529
Meyers Chuck 84K WMK Meyers Chuck Seaplane Base GA 161
Minto 51Z MNT Minto Al Wright Airport (was Minto Airport) GA 294
Naknek 5NK NNK Naknek Airport GA 275
Napakiak WNA WNA PANA Napakiak Airport GA 1,891
Napaskiak PKA PKA PAPK Napaskiak Airport GA 1,868
Nelson Lagoon OUL NLG PAOU Nelson Lagoon Airport GA 449
Nenana ENN ENN PANN Nenana Municipal Airport GA 79
New Stuyahok KNW KNW PANW New Stuyahok Airport GA 838
Nightmute IGT NME PAGT Nightmute Airport GA 2,074
Nikolai FSP NIB PAFS Nikolai Airport GA 367
Nondalton 5NN NNL PANO Nondalton Airport GA 1,202
North Whale Pass 96Z WWP North Whale Seaplane Base GA 99
Northway ORT ORT PAOR Northway Airport GA 55
Nunam Iqua (Sheldon Pt.) SXP SXP Sheldon Point Airport GA 1,351
Ophir Z17 Ophir Airport GA
Palmer PAQ PAQ PAAQ Palmer Municipal Airport GA 374
Pedro Bay 4K0 PDB Pedro Bay Airport GA 541
Pelican PEC PEC Pelican Seaplane Base GA 652
Perryville PEV KPV PAPE Perryville Airport GA 667
Petersburg 63A Lloyd R. Roundtree Seaplane Facility GA
Pilot Point PNP PIP PAPN Pilot Point Airport GA 834
Platinum PTU PTU PAPM Platinum Airport GA 1,354
Point Baker KPB KPB Point Baker Seaplane Base GA 23
Point Lay PIZ PIZ PPIZ Point Lay LRRS Airport (DEW Station) GA 1,720
Port Alexander AHP PTD PAAP Port Alexander Seaplane Base GA 146
Port Heiden PTH PTH PAPH Port Heiden Airport GA 1,037
Port Lions ORI ORI Port Lions Airport GA 2,257
Port Protection 19P PPV Port Protection Seaplane Base GA 84
Portage Creek A14 PCA PAOC Portage Creek Airport GA 16
Prospect Creek PPC PPC PAPR Prospect Creek Airport GA 639
Rampart RMP RMP Rampart Airport GA 224
Red Devil RDV RDV Red Devil Airport GA 136
Ruby RBY RBY PARY Ruby Airport GA 1,809
St. Michael SMK SMK PAMK St. Michael Airport GA [nb 11] 2,297
Seward SWD SWD PAWD Seward Airport GA 8
Shageluk SHX SHX PAHX Shageluk Airport GA 739
Shaktoolik 2C7 SKK PFSH Shaktoolik Airport GA 2,146
Shungnak SHG SHG PAGH Shungnak Airport GA [nb 12] 2,238
Sitka A29 Sitka Seaplane Base GA 41
Skagway 7K2 Skagway Seaplane Base GA
Skwentna SKW SKW PASW Skwentna Airport GA 92
Sleetmute SLQ SLQ PASL Sleetmute Airport GA 386
Soldotna SXQ SXQ PASX Soldotna Airport GA 23
South Naknek WSN WSN PFWS South Naknek Airport GA 190
St. George PBV STG PAPB St. George Airport GA 643
Stevens Village SVS SVS Stevens Village Airport GA 1,228
Stony River SRV SRV Stony River Airport GA 217
Takotna TCT TCT Takotna Airport GA 190
Talkeetna TKA TKA PATK Talkeetna Airport GA 2
Tatitlek 7KA TEK PAKA Tatitlek Airport GA 8
Telida 2K5 TLF Telida Airport GA
Teller TER TLA PATE Teller Airport GA 1,254
Tenakee Springs TKE TKE Tenakee Seaplane Base GA 645
Tetlin 3T4 Tetlin Airport GA
Togiak Village TOG TOG PATG Togiak Airport GA 2,312
Tok 6K8 PFTO Tok Junction Airport GA
Tununak 4KA TNK Tununak Airport GA 2,145
Twin Hills A63 TWA Twin Hills Airport GA 199
Ugashik 9A8 UGS Ugashik Airport GA
Wales IWK WAA PAIW Wales Airport GA 1,321
Wasilla IYS WWA PAWS Wasilla Airport GA
White Mountain WMO WMO PAWM White Mountain Airport GA 1,495
Whittier IEM PAWR Whittier Airport GA
Willow UUO WOW PAUO Willow Airport (also see Willow Seaplane Base) GA [nb 13] 1,800
Wiseman WSM WSM Wiseman Airport GA
Wrangell 68A Wrangell Seaplane Base GA
Yakutat 2Y3 Yakutat Seaplane Base GA
Other public-use airports (not listed in NPIAS)
Akiachak KKI KKI Akiachak Seaplane Base
Aleknagik Z33 WKK Aleknagik Seaplane Base
Aleknagik Z25 Tripod Airport
American Creek 80A American Creek Airport
Anchorage A13 Bold Airport
Anchorage 3C3 Campbell Lake Seaplane Base
Anchorage Z41 Lake Hood Airstrip 1,366
Annette Z43 Tamgas Harbor Seaplane Base
Anvik K40 Anvik Seaplane Base
Bartlett Cove BQV BQV Bartlett Cove Seaplane Base
Basin Creek Z47 Basin Creek Airport
Bear Creek Z48 BCC Bear Creek 3 Airport
Bear Lake Z52 Johnsons Landing Airport
Bethel Z59 JBT Bethel Seaplane Base
Bethel Z58 Hangar Lake Seaplane Base
Bettles 2A4 Vor Lake Waterlane Seaplane Base
Big Lake D71 Beaver Lake Seaplane Base
Big Lake L95 Jones Landing Seaplane Base
Black Rapids 5BK Black Rapids Airport
Cantwell TTW PATW Cantwell Airport
Cape Pole Z71 CZP Cape Pole Seaplane Base
Cape Yakataga CYT CYT PACY Yakataga Airport
Chatham CYM CYM Chatham Seaplane Base 8
Chernofski Harbor KCN KCN Chernofski Harbor Seaplane Base 3
Chignik Z78 KBW Chignik Bay Seaplane Base 874
Chistochina CZO CZO Chistochina Airport
Clear CLF CLF Clear Sky Lodge Airport
Clearwater Z86 Clearwater Airport
Cold Bay Z87 Blinn Lake Seaplane Base
Cooper Landing JLA JLA Quartz Creek Airport
Copper Center Z93 CZC Copper Center Airport
Craig 5C5 El Capitan Lodge Seaplane Base
Delta Junction D66 DJN Delta Junction Airport 350
Denali 0Z2 Road Commission Airport
Dillingham 0Z3 Shannons Pond Seaplane Base
Eagle River D72 D&C Fire Lake Flying Club Seaplane Base
Ellamar 1Z9 ELW Ellamar Seaplane Base
Entrance Island 2Z1 HBH Entrance Island Seaplane Base
Eureka Creek 2Z2 Eureka Creek Airport
Eva Creek 2Z3 Eva Creek Airport 1
Edna Bay EDA[1] Edna Bay Municipal Airport (or Seaplane Base?)
Fairbanks 2Z5 Chena River Seaplane Base
Fairbanks AK7 PAAN Gold King Creek Airport
False Island 2Z6 FAK False Island Seaplane Base
Farewell FWL FWL PAFW Farewell Airport 7
Farewell Lake FKK PAFK Farewell Lake Seaplane Base
Farewell Lake TNW PAFL Tin Creek Airport
Feather River 3Z1 Feather River Airport
Glacier Creek KGZ KGZ Glacier Creek Airport
Golden Horn Lodge 3Z8 GDH Golden Horn Lodge Seaplane Base
Hannum Creek 4Z2 Upper Hannum Creek Airport
Healy Lake HKB[1] Healy Lake Airport
Homer 5BL Homer–Beluga Lake Seaplane Base
Horsfeld 4Z5 Horsfeld Airport
Jakolof Bay 4Z9 Jakolof Bay Airport
Kantishna Z90 Stampede Airport
Karluk Lake KKL KKL Karluk Lake Seaplane Base
Kasilof 5KS Kasilof Airport
Kasilof AK5 Encelewski Lake Seaplane Base
Kasitsna Bay 5Z7 Kasitsna Airport
Katmai National Park 5Z9 Lake Brooks Seaplane Base 2,313
Kenai 2R3 Island Lake Seaplane Base
Ketchikan 5KE WFB Ketchikan Harbor Seaplane Base [nb 14] 43,737
Ketchikan 9C0 Peninsula Point Pullout Seaplane Base
Kodiak 9Z3 Kodiak (Lilly Lake) Seaplane Base
Koggiung 5KO Koggiung Airport
Kulik Lake LKK LKK PAKL Kulik Lake Airport 1,104
Kvichak 9Z7 Kvichak (Diamond J) Airport
Kwigillingok KWK KWK Kwigillingok Seaplane Base
Lake Louise 13S Lake Louise Seaplane Base
Lawing 9Z9 Lawing Airport
Lazy Bay ALZ ALZ Alitak Seaplane Base 107
Livengood 4AK LIV Livengood Camp Airport 4
Loring 13Z WLR Loring Seaplane Base
McCarthy AK0 Jakes Bar Airport
McGrath 16Z McGrath Seaplane Base
McKinley Park INR MCL PAIN McKinley National Park Airport
Middleton Island MDO MDO PAMD Middleton Island Airport
Moose Pass 52Z Summit Lake Seaplane Base
Moser Bay KMY KMY Moser Bay Seaplane Base 16
Nakeen 76Z Nakeen Airport
Nancy Lake 78Z Nancy Lake Seaplane Base
Naukiti NKI[1] Naukiti Bay Seaplane Base
Newtok WWT WWT Newtok Seaplane Base
Ninilchik NIN NIN Ninilchik Airport
Nome 94Z Nome City Field
North Pole 95Z Bradley Sky-Ranch Airport
Olga Bay KOY KOY Olga Bay Seaplane Base 18
Palmer AK1 Butte Municipal Airport
Palmer 99Z Finger Lake Seaplane Base
Palmer 2D3 Gooding Lake Seaplane Base
Paxson PXK PAXK Paxson Airport
Perry Island PYL PYL Perry Island Seaplane Base
Pilot Point UGB UGB Ugashik Bay Airport 187
Point McIntyre AK11 Point McIntyre Airport
Port Alice 16K PTC Port Alice Seaplane Base
Port Bailey KPY KPY Port Bailey Seaplane Base 11
Port Walter PWR PWR Port Walter Seaplane Base
Port William KPR KPR Port Williams Seaplane Base 12
Purkeypile 01A Purkeypile Airport
Quail Creek 20K Quail Creek Airport
Quartz Creek 5QC Quartz Creek (Kougarok) Airport
Rainy Pass 6AK Rainy Pass Lodge Airport
Saginaw Bay A23 SGW Saginaw Seaplane Base 418
Salmon Lake Z81 Salmon Lake Airport
San Juan / Uganik WSJ WSJ[2] / UGI[3] San Juan (Uganik) Seaplane Base
Seal Bay SYB[1] Seal Bay Seaplane Base
Seldovia A27 Seldovia Seaplane Base
Sheep Mountain SMU SMU PASP Sheep Mountain Airport 25
Soldotna L85 Mackeys Lakes Seaplane Base
Squaw Harbor 36H Squaw Harbor Seaplane Base
Steamboat Bay WSB WSB Steamboat Bay Seaplane Base
Summit UMM UMM PAST Summit Airport
Taku Harbor A43 Taku Harbor Seaplane Base
Taku Lodge TKL TKL Taku Lodge Seaplane Base
Talkeetna AK8 Christiansen Lake Seaplane Base
Tanacross TSG TSG Tanacross Airport 97
Tatitna 8KA Tatitna Airport
Tazlina Z14 Tazlina Airport
Tazlina 5AK Tazlina (Smokey Lake) Seaplane Base
Thompson Pass K55 Thompson Pass Airport
Tokeen 57A TKI Tokeen Seaplane Base
Tolsona Lake 58A Tolsona Lake Seaplane Base
Totatlanika River 9AK Totatlanika River Airport
Tuntutuliak Z20 Tuntutuliak Seaplane Base
Tuxekan Island AK62 WNC[1] Naukati Bay Seaplane Base (was Nichin Cove Seaplane Base)
Umiat UMT UMT PAUM Umiat Airport 107
Valdez L93 Robe Lake Seaplane Base
Wasilla 6A7 Brocker Lake Seaplane Base
Wasilla D75 Blodget Lake Seaplane Base
Wasilla 3H3 Cottonwood Lake Seaplane Base
Wasilla 29A Island Lake Seaplane Base
Wasilla 4A3 Lake Lucille Seaplane Base
Wasilla 4AK0 Niklason Lake Seaplane Base
Wasilla 3A3 Seymour Lake Seaplane Base
Wasilla 3K9 Upper Wasilla Lake Seaplane Base
Wasilla T66 Visnaw Lake Seaplane Base
Wasilla 5L6 Wasilla Lake Seaplane Base
Waterfall KWF KWF Waterfall Seaplane Base 1,079
West Point KWP KWP West Point Village Seaplane Base 34
Willow MFN Minuteman Lake Seaplane Base
Willow 2X2 Willow Seaplane Base
Yakutat A57 Alsek River Airport
Yakutat AK76 East Alsek River Airport
Yakutat A67 Harlequin Lake Airport
Yakutat A68 Situk Airport
Yakutat A69 Tanis Mesa Airport
Yakutat A70 Dangerous River Airport
Yankee Creek A77 Yankee Creek Airport
Yes Bay 78K WYB Yes Bay Lodge Seaplane Base 40
Yukon Charley Rivers L20 Coal Creek Airport
Zachar Bay KZB[1] Zachar Bay Seaplane Base
Other government/military airports
Anchorage EDF EDF PAED Elmendorf Air Force Base 1,701
Anchorage CSR Campbell Airstrip
Attu Island ATU ATU PAAT Casco Cove Coast Guard Station 14
Big Mountain 37AK BMX PABM Big Mountain Air Force Station (Radio Relay Site) 2
Boswell Bay AK97 BSW Boswell Bay Airport (U.S. Forest Service)
Cape Lisburne LUR LUR PALU Cape Lisburne LRRS Airport 200
Cape Newenham EHM EHM PAEH Cape Newenham LRRS Airport 148
Cape Romanzof CZF CZF PACZ Cape Romanzof LRRS Airport 145
Cape Sarichef 26AK PACS Cape Sarichef Airport (Radio Relay Site)
Cape Spencer CSP CSP PACA Cape Spencer Coast Guard Heliport
Cold Bay 1AK3 PML PAAL Port Moller Airport (formerly Air Force Station) 446
Delta Junction / Fort Greely BIG BIG PABI Allen Army Airfield (was Big Delta Army Airfield) 22
Dutch Harbor AK23 PAAM Driftwood Bay Air Force Station
Fairbanks EIL EIL PAEI Eielson Air Force Base 1,735
Fairbanks / Fort Wainwright FBK FBK PAFB Ladd Army Airfield (Fort Wainwright AAF) 563
Five Mile FVM FMC PAFV Five Mile Airport
Fort Richardson FRN FRN PAFR Bryant Army Heliport (has a runway)
Granite Mountain GSZ GMT Granite Mountain Air Station 11
Indian Mountain UTO UTO PAIM Indian Mountain LRRS Airport 173
Kaktovik 8AK7 PABU Bullen Point Air Force Station
Kalakaket Creek 1KC KKK Kalakaket Creek Air Station
Lonely AK71 LNI PALN Lonely Air Station
Port Clarence KPC KPC PAPC Port Clarence Coast Guard Station 140
Shemya SYA SYA PASY Eareckson Air Station
Sparrevohn SVW SVW PASV Sparrevohn LRRS Airport 8
Tatalina TLJ TLJ PATL Tatalina LRRS Airport 88
Tin City TNC TNC PATC Tin City LRRS Airport 190
Wainwright AK03 PAWT Wainwright Air Station
Notable private-use airports
Amook Bay AK81 AOS Amook Bay Seaplane Base 19
Annette Island ANN ANN PANT Annette Island Airport
Bear Creek AK02 Bear Creek 1 Airport (also see Bear Creek 3 Airport)
Bell Island KBE KBE Bell Island Hot Springs Seaplane Base 4
Beluga BLG BVU PABG Beluga Airport 2,144
Candle AK75 CDL Candle 2 Airport 4
Cape Decision CDE Cape Decision Lighthouse Heliport (was Coast Guard Heliport)
Chena Hot Springs AK13 CEX Chena Hot Springs Airport 8
Colorado Creek KCR KCR Colorado Creek Airport
Deadhorse AK15 DQH PALP Alpine Airstrip
Deadhorse AK78 PABP Badami Airport 7
Deadhorse 4AK1 Inigok Airport 14
Delta Junction 76AK Pogo Mine Airstrip 96
Egegik AK96 BSZ Bartletts Airport
Ekuk KKU KKU Ekuk Airport
Fairbanks MTF MTX Metro Field
Hawk Inlet HWI HWI Hawk Inlet Seaplane Base
Herendeen Bay AK33 HED Herendeen Bay Airport
Hinchinbrook 2AK5 PAJO Johnstone Point Airport
Hogatza 2AK6 HGZ Hog River Airport 9
Homer 46AK Bear Cove Farm Airport 9
Houston 80AK Morvro Lake Seaplane Base (formerly FAA: 4K2)
Icy Bay 19AK ICY Icy Bay Airport
Jensens AK60 Fort Jensen Airport
Kenai 3AK5 DRF Drift River Airport 178
Kuparuk UBW UUK PAKU Ugnu-Kuparuk Airport 38
Lost River AK45 Lost River 2 Airport (also see Lost River 1 Airport)
McGrath AK40 Nixon Fork Mine Airport 60
Elim MOS Moses Point Airport 4
Nabesna IBN PABN Devils Mountain Lodge Airport
Nanwalek AK07 Dog Fish Bay Airport 1
Napaimute 4AK8 Napaimute Pioneer Airfield 10
Nikolski IKO IKO PAKO Nikolski Air Station 160
Nyac ZNC ZNC Nyac Airport 20
Port Alsworth TPO PTA PALJ Port Alsworth Airport 139
Port Alsworth AK51 Wilder/Natwick Airport 1,554
Red Dog Mine DGG RDB PADG Red Dog Airport (formerly FAA: AED, ICAO: PARD) [nb 15] 10,189
Russian Mission 9AK2 Kako Airport 1
Selawik 8AK3 Roland Norton Memorial Airstrip (formerly FAA: 91A) 103
Slana DDT PADT Duffy's Tavern Airport
Taylor AK49 TWE Taylor Airport
Tikchik AK56 KTH Tikchik Lodge Seaplane Base
Tok 8AK9 Tok 2 Airport 214
Trading Bay 5AK0 Trading Bay Production Airport
Tyonek TYE TYE Tyonek Airport [nb 16] 2,770
Notable former airports
Cape Beaufort Z53 Cape Sabine Airport (closed 2008?) [1]
Chignik KCG KCG Chignik Fisheries Airport (closed) [2]
Eureka AZK PAZK Skelton Airport (closed) [3]
Gunsight Mountain Lodge A88 Gunsight Mountain Airport (closed) [4]
Haycock HAY HAY Haycock Airport (closed 2008?) [5] GA
Kenai 6Z1 Arness Lake Airport (closed) [6]
Lost River LSR LSR Lost River 1 Airport (closed 2009)
Myrtle Creek 60Z Myrtle Creek Airport (closed) [7]
Pauloff Harbor (Sanak Is.) KPH KPH Pauloff Harbor Seaplane Base (closed) [8] GA
Porcupine Creek PCK PCK Porcupine Creek Airport (closed 2009?) [9] GA
Oliktok Point OLI POLI Oliktok LRRS Airport (closed) [10]
Sagwon SAG SAG Sagwon Airport (closed) [11]
South Naknek 3AK PAF Cannery Airport (Pacific American Fisheries) (closed) [12]
Sutton JVM PAJV Jonesville Mine Airport (closed) [13]
Tahneta Pass Lodge HNE HNE PAHE Tahneta Pass Airport (closed) [14]
Tok TKJ TKJ PATJ Tok Airport (closed) [15]
Umnak Island Fort Glenn Army Airfield (closed) [16]


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Cite error: Invalid <references> tag; parameter "group" is allowed only.

Use <references />, or <references group="..." />

See also


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA):

Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF):

Other sites used as a reference when compiling and updating this list:


<templatestyles src="Reflist/styles.css" />

Cite error: Invalid <references> tag; parameter "group" is allowed only.

Use <references />, or <references group="..." />

Cite error: <ref> tags exist for a group named "nb", but no corresponding <references group="nb"/> tag was found, or a closing </ref> is missing

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  2. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  3. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.